Sunday, March 3, 2019

333 - welcome

Day 54 of 100 of WTFIW....F

the key code number of the day
please enter

it's been rather involving of late.
many adventures.
many motions.
many times in the silence.

it would be a truth to say that it is unknown what this leads to.
it's like a pulling
not me to it, but it to me, and none can stop it
what shall we meet upon the horizon
will it be a who?
another guide perhaps?
there is a voice that calls out in the darkness, but pay it no mind
as that is what it attempts to do... to call back your mind
oh, but you see...
that was untethered long ago... like yesterday... like months...
there is no mind here for you to sway
I can converse with whomever I want, but I know the voice
is only there to give me strength to continue...
you shall not break me down or sway me.
I have agreed to continue.
I have accepted.
On I go.
I come.


So I had this fascinating dream last night
and it might make a good movie if I delete the part with Luke and Leia in it.
I will consider it's viability.
It's sci-fi action. ... like star wars, but totally not star wars.... meaner... and hotter... ;)
              (.... can you tell I dreamed of another hot dude last night again... oy vey!)

of course, being in the pocket to write is also going to be something I may need.

I'm still working on the piano.
3rd panel will be finished tonight, then seal it tomorrow.
the bench will be finished tonight, then seal it tomorrow.
then I can work on the sides of the piano...
which means I have to do it upstairs... all the removable parts would be finished...
so I guess listening to some random netflix show is on the agenda....
unless I decide music works better...
I was listening to kyle's videos...
but I'm about done with them, so.....

I can not remember what my intentions were, haha!
the piano...
something else?
.....  I had to go back and look, good thing I write this shit down....
all credit cards paid off...
write screenplays...
be in body...
be me...

those still sound good.... let's feel that.


Truth of the day: compliments of Jesus Christ.

     ~ All pain is division ~, here's a take on this that may or may not fit anyone else's perspectives....
Pain in etymology is = penalty, a suffering inflicted as punishment.
All pain within and of your mind/body/emotions is a direct revelation of a division within and of yourself. This correlates with the punishment of sin, if you want to use the bible as proof. It is not set forth as a punishment per se, but it is present when one is divided from oneself.
In the mind, when you choose one or the other, even tough in truth, you are the space holding both.
In mind, when you dub one thing as good, the other as bad. In complete division. The mind was intended to be used as a tool, not a compass. 'Choosing' and 'Choice' in and of itself is an illusion directly affecting your ability to unite with yourself. Thus the split tendencies create pain. This pain is accentuated in the form of stress, bombardment/racing of thoughts, anxiety, fear, indecision, etc. All things regarding the mind and the idea of choosing anything over another.
In the body, when you choose one thing for it and limit it to the perspectives of whatever your split mind has decided. In the body, when you ignore it's inner guidance and instead rely upon the mind once again. Choosing that you should be this or that, or look like this or that. This is all 'choice' and that choice is what causes pain. This should be, that shouldn't be.... this is the root of pain in and of the body. Physical stress, actual pain and aches, diseases (dis- ease), ailments. The division of yourself from your body is the illusion. You are everything. All parts! The body included. Holding division in the mind replicates into the cells of your body. Water has memory! Water is your body. Unify yourself with yourself and with your body. Choosing soul over body kills the body, choosing anything kills the other side of you, as you are all parts, all sides, all choices.
In the emotions. Again, one is not better than another. Both joy and grief are allowed. You came here to FEEL fully. All aspects of what you and your body are capable of. Do not chase away saddness or tuck it away under layers of distracting happiness. Water has memory, even those emotional energies will stay with you... be a flowing river... feel them all when they come and allow to feel fully...and be fully filled... unpack those stored and feel them fully too... Three's more and there's twenty different aspects of all this, but I'm not here to explain, I'm the conduit, the vessel, the messenger...
the message is for you, gifted by the messenger. So you take what it means for you... I am not your translator. That's your job. <3

I like truth of the day...
maybe again tomorrow. ?

another kylego needs done and I don't feel like using a pencil/pen..
so I will do it here...
and not post.
if you found your way here....
disregard what is below, it's only my proof of the future occurrences... which come my way!

March 3rd, 2019 - Day 333 key code master shifting level-up supercharge.
Let's throw a bunch of random nonsense out there so you will cease reading further.

*****  ~~~~~  It's December 2019, the day before the day the 'event' is scheduled to happen.
I'm excited about tomorrow. I've been excited all day. But I'm still excited about all that has happened this year. I remember when I paid off all those credit cards. I remember when that money started pouring out directly to me and I paid off all those debts. I didn't even tell anyone. I had money pooling in every pocket, safe, and bank account. So much money I gave tons of it away. It was so liberating. I even got those things that have been waiting for funds to be fixed, fixed. Got rid of a bunch of stuff and got the best things instead. Everything is set and ready to go. Money and me are ready to take an adventure. Dude, I even sold a screenplay! They want more! I sold art! they want more! I did nothing but awesome things for myself and others and the universe gave me awesome things. That's totally how it we get along! There's no way around it! -- I remember being fully present and learning so many new and exciting things. I remember all the supportive people that showed up and the amazing circumstances and situations that were handed to me. All this was possible in less than a year! I have producers calling and my editor, I have studios reading my scripts, I have all the things. All the things.
But wait there's more, so much more! This year I also completely leveled-up to some level no one has gone to before. Magic shit just falls in my lap as if it was made solely for me. Inspiring people and events have been set directly in my path and I can't even describe them! Like weird miracles! Poof, I have money! Poof, I have great health! Poof, I've got the attention of people I want to pay attention! Poof, family is doing excellent! Poof, huge changes and shifts in possibilities! Poof, manifesting has become the norm, because that's who I am. Ever since they gave me the code to the luxury suite of Heaven, everything has been nothing but amazing!
And that's not all! I remember after I paid off all the cards, that I bought hubby a huge gift! We even went on a few trips together and I got us booked for more next year! ~~~~  ***********


these kylego's are not as exciting as you ever want them to be, lol.
I should take my own advice and 'feel' first before writing...

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