Sunday, March 31, 2019

Boundless... Eternal... Infinite...

Day 82 of 100 of WTFIW....F

this keyboard is dying...
and tends to skip the space bar until a few letters later...
so if this appears to be a huge mess of typos, it is not my fault.
There's also some weird tendency for it to double letters as well.
I already had to go back and fix a word.
to be real... this whole computer is dying...
it was top of the line about eight years ago.
The monitor isn't that old though.... it works fine...
The mouse is from somewhere else.
The side isn't even on the modem...
and sometimes the usb doesn't work.
sometimes the card reader doesn't work either.
the keyboard is missing a few buttons...
but that's Butter's fault.
the old mouse having to be replaced is his fault too.
he likes the rolly thing...crunch crunch.
and the fact he can get his beak under the mouse buttons and rip them upwards.
...just like the keyboard keys...

I had a run-in with colors last night.... from around 9-2am
body is trying to catch up, but seems it's completely wiped out
So yeah... 5 paintings in 5 hours or so....

There was also a run-in of a trigger I needed.
One that is catapulting me to another level....
I don't even know what is coming my way...
But even as I recuperate from last night's art fest....
and from the heartbreak...
I know some huge doorway has opened.

and even as I watch how much one part of me cringes...
wanting to flee, to fight, to die, to cling, to understand...
I will stay and stand and be in this space.
Because everything must kneel when we rise.


Truth of the day:
      ~ You (everything) are (is) worthy. Infinitely, eternally, boundless. ~

you are only worth equal to that which you find worthy.

"I can only give you what you give yourself first."

The Universe can only give you what you allow yourself to receive.

Hold this for a bit... see what it tells you.
See how it feels.
Carry it.

my gift to you is more than just the message...

the Law of Polarity... everything being part of the whole.. the one...
separated not in substance, but in degree.
Your worth...your value...
not as opposites of higher and lower...
in more or less...
Boundless... without bounds... without limitations...
be all of it.
receive all of it.
even that which you have deemed worthless....

Everything is value.
Everything is worthy, lest it would not exist.

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