Friday, March 29, 2019

I did not write a book scene in this post.

Day 80 of 100 of WTFIW....F

Ice cream... but not real ice cream...
So Delicious soy vanilla ice cream... non-gmo ;)
and Hershey's chocolate syrup...
'cause I'm balanced like that...and neither contain cow pus.

Truth of the day:
Nothing is true.

Yes, I know this was truth of the day about two weeks ago...
but you see...
it's circular, like a spiral... and here we are once again on another level..
this rising.
But now there's more.
Nothing is good or bad either. Or new, or old.
Or right, or wrong. Or hot or cold. Nor is there anything above or below.
Alas, the way the mind divides itself into two...
getting pulled apart by the gravitational torus of our electromagnetic hearts...
a biochemical dance of matter.... of cells... of atoms and electrons...
the positive and negative which also are only different degrees of the same oneness.

Like the light from the sun and the shadows it casts on the dark sides of solid matter.
But the dark and the light are never divided.
So even the falsehood and truth of everything is neither divided nor set apart.
Each like lovers, embracing one another as itself.


 Let me tell you a story.
About the clouds, about the sea, and about you and me.

You'd think for a minute that the clouds only touched the sea with their reflections.
Skimming the water's flesh like a cloak in winter.
That the sea ever strived to reach upwards to the clouds, trying to grab hold of them.
Trying to take it's hands and pull them down.
Only when fog spanned on soft waters, did the clouds and the sea mingle gently.
Soft whispers between them in the night and in the dawn.

But their souls were united.
The sea made from the very substance which created the clouds.
The clouds made from the very substance which created the sea.
Just like you and me.
Just like you and me.

But though we try to reach each other and pull one another close...
our bodies could never carry us close enough.
Only the soul can do that.
And our flesh rages against the barriers between us.
Why can you not see me?
Why can you not hear?
this chaos.
This dream that maybe, somewhere, somehow, you would know you were a soul...
and not just a body...
Why do you live as a body, but not as the greater part of yourself?
Like a cloud living as a cloud...separate and at the mercy of the winds.
Like the sea living as the sea...separate and at the mercy of the earth.
You living as a body...separate and at the mercy of the world.

Be water. Be soul.
That's where you will find me.



Bathroom remodel is underway.
The pieces will be apprehended this weekend.

There are artwork inspired images coming my way.
I have heeded the call and have purchased the canvases.
And I have the sketches ready.
These will get started whenever I am brought to tackle them.
I go by feeling.... so I do not obligate myself to myself.
It will come when it comes.
I am only available for inspired actions.
(which really seems to be a lot lately) (finally!)
for a peek....lots of gold.
it really is the theme of the year thus far.
they will be for sale, btw.
I have 5 at first and there might be another 5 after if I'm still inspired.
Then 1 special one, but it will not be for sale...unless you throw a pretty amount my way.

I have 4 fucking screenplays floating around in my head that I can't catch.
It pisses me off a bit, because I love to write.
But something is not letting me....
I'm crying inside because I WANT to!
But evidently not enough to actually do it.
which is sad.... :(
which is great, because I love that too.
I know they will come when they come... and then I'll have 10 of them trying
to battle it out to get written right at the same time.
I know this, but it still makes me all... 'UGH!'
I have time now, waaaah!

I also have book 6 playing out scenes every night and morning.
and sometimes randomly from 1am-7am.
mind you, that I have no idea how this book starts yet....
or how it ends.....
but it's exciting to spend all this time with my favorite people...


Want a peek into something I haven't written yet and may possibly change by the time I do write it?
Sure you do!

*** ~~
  His eyes were a deep gold and full of fury. They bored into mine, unafraid and unflinching. A growl echoed from his throat as he pulled me closer, wringing the collar of my coat tighter.
"You will never find him." I said, half as a whisper, half as a promise.
   The wind gusted and I felt his grip tighten even further. He lifted me upwards as he stood. Nothing but silence from him as a cold light rain began to fall. His dark feathered wings moved behind him and lifted outwards. He kept his eyes locked on mine as his other hand reached behind his waist. The sound of his blade slowly scraped against it's sheath. He was finished with my lack of cooperation.  ~~ ***

I don't even like the bad guy, but damn... he's still sounds hot when I get to write about him.
now I wanna write the book...

okay, really I have got to go...
otherworldly things are summoning me!

- be good to the fireflies and the grasshoppers, they call forth the summer and bless the night with songs of the field and a festival of lights. Here, the children frolic and laugh, while the chorus of the angels hover above the earth in everlasting glory, shining down, shining down... like stars.

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