Monday, June 27, 2011

list o' fun

I deleted this post just because 'the boss man told me too' and evidently there's piss-asses in the world who like to warp and manipulate things to make them go against their selves so I am made out to be the bad guy. Whatever...I'm just as bad as you.


  1. I'm so ticked ... I just wrote this long response that is ... POOF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gone. Grrrr. Let's try this one.

  2. I'm beginning to think there is a comment-length limit This won't allow me to post, so I'm gong to try chopping it up. UGH!!!!!

    ... That worked, (*** the first comment, that is. This one I'm having problems with) so I'll try again. DANG!!! It's almost impossible to make the point that you just lost in cyberland again! Ugh!

    So ... I wanted to disagree with something you wrote. Can you handle someone disagreeing with you? Hold on ... let me find it ...

    "In regards to people suffering from some turmoil in their lives.... no you did not commit a sin and are being punished (fuck that type of logic, that only breeds fear and in turn does not come from love, therefore does not come from God) .... Equivalent exchange, maybe... but not payment for sin."

    Oh ... wait. That's not it. I'm agreeing with that. Hang on, I'll find it again ...

  3. ... continuing from above ...

    "Sin is a lie. Sin is nothing and has no hold on you or has it ever. Your people only forced you to believe that... I believe you were born perfect and into perfection..... I think people who believe all these barriers are like in a glass box. They see God and think they are free to be with Him, but they can't even touch Him because of the walls they have built up around themselves.... ugh."

    Yeah ... there it is ... uh ... somewhere? Let's see ... agree, agree, agree, agree, a ... AH! DISAGREE! There it is. Okay ... so, I do not agree that sin is a lie. I do believe that sin is something HUGE and has a HUGE hold on people. Or ... wait ... Scratch that. Reverse it. People have a HUGE hold on sin! That's it. Sin is that salivation in your mouth when you see that last piece of flourless chocolate cake that you know you shouldn't eat. The problem is that God gave us the free will to skip the "know you shouldn't" part an justify why you can with pride, selfishness, ... well, those pretty much cover it all. That hold just get harder and harder to let go of, so bondage occurs. But I believe we are the one that is enslaving sin to ourselves, be it chocolate cake or time wasted on the internet or fighting with your spouse or judging others who have not conformed to your standards.

    I strayed ... go figure ... But I DO believe humans are born perfect, but sin manifests itself early and often. A child does not need to be taught selfishness and pride. Those come naturally, and they are, in my opinion, the root of all sin. However, those things usually grow because they are cultivated. That's where chosen sinfulness comes in.

    To the barriers and glass box comment ... Amen.

    About the Taoism and Buddhism leaning ... I DO NOT pretend to know your mind, but if I have a clue, then I completely understand. And I understand that those who do not care to understand could arrogantly use that as a platform to deny your professed faith. Taoism and Buddhism and many other eastern religions seem to have so much more effectively demonstrate "the greatest commandment" than Western Christianity. LOVE is such an easy word to say, but such a hard one to demonstrate in legalism and self-righteous-ism. I'm absolutely and unapologetically a Christian who believes wholeheartedly in the redemptive work of Jesus. And ... I hate religion. I hate denominational superiority. I hate putting a label on a box and shoving the Creator in it. How arrogant to believe that God condemns a soul that earnestly seeks him and strives to serve Him yet reads the Koran as a guiding book because that is the medium that has been exposed to them. How arrogant were the Europeans who slaughtered humans living peacefully enough in this land because they seemed less human somehow because they worshiped the Creator differently than they did. How arrogant to believe we have the answers.

    I absolutely do not believe that Joseph Smith was anything more than a manipulative scheister who edited someone else's work of fiction and deceived multitudes into believing he'd received some special revelation from God. BUT ... have you ever met a Mormon family who was active in their faith? WOW! Mormons seem to really demonstrate a deep sincere love for themselves and others. They also really seem to know their beliefs, their scriptures, and their core mission in life. I admire that. I'm not going to go join their church because there are so many things that are so off (beginning with Joseph Smith), but here I am defending them. I wonder if that means that my deep, abiding love and faith in the Savior, God's only son is somehow not real enough? Whatever. I guess I don't care.

    Rambling again. (Sinfully wasting time on the computer again! LOL!)



  4. YAY!!!! It worked. I need to tone down the length of my comments. Too many words: that's my big sin. Really ... it is.

  5. Let's go this route.... sin, in it's more known definition is: An immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law.
    On the choosing to eat it knowing you would intake 400 more calories, would be equivalent exchange....since you are aware of the consequences and chose to accept them. aka: taking responsibility.
    Eating the cake is just eating the cake....though if it was someone else's yeah, that'd just be mean! But choosing to do it knowing it was someone else's is what I would consider wrong.
    Perhaps the consequences you will have to face is unknown or not predetermined for the latter and therefore you can't make a conscience decision to eat or not to eat since the consequenses are hidden. So if they do something wrong, they aren't aware of the consequences, how are they supposed to learn what they should not have done if they don;t know what caused it. And I find sometimes people can take that responsibility and down play it into something less serious and never learn from their mistakes.
    Whilst eating it and having to exercise those calories away, one is more likely to learn, they may not care, but they'll learn or at least see the consequences.

    But yeah! People have a huge hold on it!! I don;t like when they blame sin or 'the devil made me do it' on some outer occurrence when it is all their responsibility to assume.

    ....well, I reread what I wrote and I barely could follow along, so if you get confused, it's all my fault, and I take full responsibility, lol.
