Friday, June 6, 2014

I don't care what you long as its about me.

ya know...I don't know how I manage to get things done on time.... hahahahaha.
Maybe a constant stroke of luck....maybe born with such a blessing. Yeah, let's go with that.
So things are busy as usual...but I'm finding time to reread books, finally manage to eke out character files on my own book so I know what color eyes/hair everyone has to good if their eye color keeps changing.... Writing is just around the corner, though I hate saying that since I can't foresee the future unless it comes in weird energy vibes....then I can.
Visualization works by the way, but what they don't tell you is that you have to keep it up or what you visualize kinda stops....yeah...its like shaving your legs or washing your hair....
Been playing with reiki lately...very interesting....I'll give a more in depth explanation and review when I have more time under my belt...

Hitting up Six Flags next week with our free tickets! (yay free!) and possibly getting this ragout of hair chopped off soon! YAY! short hair! and probably dyed and made cooler looking that it currently is.
Then a tattoo...because I can...and I want. But I have to wait until after father's day so hubby doesn't think I'm rewarding myself. and all this relies on whether or not there's money to be used for such unnecessary expenditures.

Let's see....been diving deep into non-worldly things...but that is my life. And even though we don't get a real vacation this year, I think writing my book is going to be just as cool since I get to hang out with my imaginary people.

Photography wise....I'm 5 away from doing exclusively themed cosplay/costume shoots. I have a countdown going on my facebook page. After I hit 0 there' no going back :) So psyched!
otherwise......nothing I care to tell you :P

My new shop did really well for it's first opening sale....which is great, because now I can have something creative to focus on! (as if I don't have everything else to focus on with creativity anyway!) but I like to throw my energy in ten different places, hell why not, I feel ok this week.
and if these people actually call me back for a job (like in the 'real' world (psh)) that'll be something fun to use for networking...
And I seem to be expecting something lately, like an audition for something cool that I will be drawn to and will have to try to attempt that as well....but it hasn't come yet (thankfully!) but it's been on my mind...and this is where it gets hairy because of that synchronicity and visualization stuff that does work....hmm

and I will probably be in the market for a really good laptop soon.....since this computer (my really awesome good one that hasn't died on me yet and can run all my programs at once) is being hijacked by the kids so they can play minecraft.....too often lately....hmmm.

whatever...I'm off to go to work and sew up some Cinderella's and finish watching Shark tank and whatever else comes on tonight. and get a cup of coffee. I think I'll write you a story later :)

goodbye chippery feathers of puffer fish dandelions and coyotes.

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