Tuesday, January 18, 2011

We be jammin...we be jammin!

Yep, yep, big big plans for this big big exciting year!
Things are going smoothly at the moment, though I know they will shake and rattle and crush me eventually...but that's okay :) good things can happen when you are suffocating under the weight of your burdens :)
Like seeing God, there's nothing as nice as that ;)

Anyway, now I just have to figure out how the hell I'm going to pay for my latest expenditure???!! HAHAHA, does anyone realize I'm piss poor broke? I do, but I'm in denial and my big big plans cannot fail, because they have been ordained ;)

Anyway, I need money, and not income tax money, that goes for bills, sorry, already spent. And if I have a super sale on my facebook fan page, I will be so busy filling orders I wouldn't be able to work on my BIG BIG plans, and that's no fun.
So, looks like I need to be alert for the money that will be knocking on my door soon....have to answer it most definitely. Yeah, it'll show up. I have this thing called faith ;)

Also I want to gripe about why people are so damn lazy and whiny? I get whiny, sure, but really when it comes down to it I get to work and destroy the problem. I get so irritated when people complain and then do nothing about it, either go out and make the change yourself, or change your mind about it, either works. Just shut up already, there's a very short time limit on bitching and complaining, once the time's up, shut up.

So anyhow, I'm also irritated how big huge groups of people say they want to change the world and make a difference, but yet nothing comes of their words. Reminds me of church, hence why I don't go. If you want to make the world better, or even the neighborhood around you, go out there and do it already. Stop waiting for God to do it for you, he's supposed to be in you you stupid idiots, if you are sitting still or worse yet walking on your knees, so is He. STAND UP and get to work!!! Shit, what's wrong with some of you people! There are some who do go out and make a difference, and I'm not talking about stupid missionary idiots, I'm talking about groups who go out and are the difference. I'm not talking about people who donate food or clothes or feed the poor, they are stupid too, I'm talking about random acts of kindness bestowed upon complete strangers who are in need, any need. Provide them with a way to help themselves, not help them just for now. What's that saying....Feed a man a fish....
Do the absolute best thing, not the immediate obvious shit...stupid people...ugh!
You are wasting God's power and love by trying to dry up the ocean by standing in it....idiots :/

You know what, if I was rich, I would help everyone I could, I'd find them a job or create one for them...either works. Hell, I'm trying to employ people at this moment, but evidently I can't find someone willing to work except maybe 2 people...wtf is wrong with that?! Lazy bastards. America sucks in the sense that everyone is lazy asses who rely on someone else to provide for them. The government needs to stop holding these little ass babies in their arms and drop them to the ground until they can learn to walk on their own. So they will cry like little spoiled brats, but so what! Let them cry and whine, then eventually they will start to walk or fade away, either works.

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