Monday, May 11, 2015

The clothes in the washer go...whoosh whoosh whoosh...whoosh whoosh whoosh.

I'm not sure what happened to her....but I've discovered that she has been gone for awhile now.
I don't think she'll ever be's no coming back after a question like that.

"Do you feel safe with me?" He asked.
I'm clinging to his arm as if that was the oddest question I ever're Jesus Christ, of course I feel safe!
Yeah....but we know how this goes....if you worry about anything....then I guess it's because you don't feel safe. I'll shut my mouth now about telling you those things that might be a possible problem to worry about.....because I'm suddenly not worried at all now....ever.

We are still climbing....but I'm not tired.
Still taking step after step....but it doesn't hurt.
Sometimes it gets dark, sometimes we are without a window to look out of....but the darkness flees as we walk.
He's been making me smile lately. I keep wondering what He's up to, like it's some new profound way of bringing me where I need to go. It's fascinating really....but I realize that my preprogrammed thoughts have been working against me....and everything is false....and everything is true. It's like going in the wash cycle....churning and turning....breaking up this grit. Rinse it out and wash this gunk hasn't served me well.

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I feel like painting.
I feel like learning a dance that goes with a certain chinese song.....only because the anime people can do why can't I.
I feel like buying happy fabrics..... but I'm waiting on company reps to set up my wholesale accounts.
I feel excited on the inside....I'm bouncing in my seat and making those retarded clappy hands....on the'll never see me do that in real might. *rolls eyes, I know I'm a dork.
I'm contemplating something drastic...yet exciting! But I'm not sure how to do it just yet. Still shuffling it around in my head, but the idea of putting ShadowDragon Dreams into the wash cycle with me might be in the works. Heck, who doesn't like to take a bubble bath.............on a roller coaster.
I picked up an old broken dresser on the side of the road (yay free!)....waiting for hubby to fix it to my liking so I can paint it!
Almost done with sewing orders ........ almost done for good.....what a boring job lately. Me and boring don't work well together. a not making sales....don't work well together. So yeah...washing machine. I have 8 left....which is way way way below norm....not cool economy....not cool at all.
Picnic tomorrow.....why not. No one wants to do anything around here! Time to break out the educational assessment notebook! (Yay school, but not really!) Now I need cash and 4 white bodysuits....and a big ass piece of paper....and paint..... I love paint!
Ooohhh! Preakness Stakes is on the 16th! American Pharoah and Carpe Diem (which he better freaking win something this time) Horsies!!!
 The sun is warm and the rain hasn't shown it's face enough..... I'm outta here, later gators~ Don't you just whoosh you were clean!

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