Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Justfy yourself.

Fuck yeah.
More of THIS please!

2 completed scripts.
bad ass motivation.
and a sense of not giving a fuck on
who, what, when, where, why, or how.
Fuck yeah.
  -- Let's stay here for awhile.

I have a possible 2 day job Friday and Saturday.
We will see...
Cashola buddy. Me and Cash are dating.
Cash and I, are dating.
fucking grammar....
Spend cash, get cash back.
Spend time with cash...
cash spends time with you.
maybe? sorta?
we will see.
Circle of life, yo.
Speaking of... I bet on those horses again...
won again... waiting for the $$ to clear so I can withdraw funds, lol.
Thank you Justify.

Insurance guy supposed to look at the other house tomorrow.
Hopefully he'll get the damages covered.
but I'm not against having it totaled out. *!*

So anyway...
garden stuff this week.
possible 2 day job.
outline and beat cards for next screenplay!!
...also animated...but could be live action...?
GA Renn Fest Sunday.
must clean house...
might start that painting...
and dabble with some watercolors......?
but not with real watercolors....
with flowers and water...oh yeah.
you should see my purple spot in the kitchen when one of the irises got wet...
yeah, there's that.
hopefully won't have to help fix a mailbox....argh....
 --- not my doing.
yeah...and stuff.
Lovely week it shall be.

I'm doing the time jumping thing again.... unintentionally.
I remember having invisaligns...
although, I just got them yesterday..so... yeah.
I've done this already...
I guess this is why it seems difficult to impress me.
Sorry peeps. Been here before and did all this before...
Why do it again?

I'm pretty sure it's not for me.
I think there was probably some agreement to come
with someone else...but I had stipulations...
like not working... and being able to do what I want kinda things.
and since I've not have my very good friend with me for the majority
of the lifetime... I must have thrown in something awesome....
beside manifesting powers....
I'll maybe surprise myself oneday...
....or not... hmmmm.
So yeah, invisaligns... right now, day 2, are annoying, but not
as annoying as yesterday.

Have I ever told you what 'annoys' is?
It's just 'A NOISE'
Gotta silence yourself if you want it to be quiet, yo.

Later hippie town myriads of ecstasy tablets and planner dialogue.
We shall meet again upon the sill of destiny and in the arms of the heavens.

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