Saturday, December 19, 2020

random posts ...

 "What is here, is there.
What is not here, is not there."

There's nowhere for you to get to.
Everything you have is right now...
because that's all we ever have anyway.

Mindset/Manifestation Experiment #17

Just tell yourself that you've got the thing.
You've got the money, the job, the thing, the relationship, the opportunity.
You've got it now...and it's feels like _____.

Self speak your way to falling into the feeling of the desire.
"I really love having my bank AND wallet full of cash!"
"This job is my dream and I am so excited to be here!"
"I knew this thing would make my life so much easier!"
"I am so fulfilled in this incredible relationship!"
"I get to do this thing!

Don't get too specific, but allow the general feelings to embrace you.
Let your words be simple, to the point, and always uplifting.
The excitement, the joy, the bliss, the ease, the comfort, the energy itself.
Leave the hesitant doubtful words that your mind tries to throw in, in the 'not gonna say it' pile...'cause I'm feeling way too awesome!'
Allow the energetic amplifying words and phrases space in your mind and body (emotions) to have their way with you. (Not in that way! LOL)
Spend time to cultivate this feeling of already having the thing you desire.
Even just 15 minutes a day, before bed, when you wake up, whenever feels good.

Is this faking it til you make it? NO.
Because you've already got it, you are simply tuning to the channel that is playing that desire.
You're the radio... and you have all the stations.
You just can't hear the ones you aren't tuned to... but they are there..
Once you lock into a new channel, you tune to it. You receive the music you want, the desires you want, all the things.
Tune to it enough and it gets put on the playlist or left there... and you can play whatever wonderful music you want all day, every day.


Can we just stop waiting or blaming the fucking planets...and there alignment or lack thereof...

when or how or why we do things.
Can we just own up to our success or our shit...and take responsibility for it ourselves?
The portal of some day that opened in the cosmic realms didn't convince you to take the step...
you're only using that as any excuse.
We don't need excuses!
We don't need to explain or reason our way around any fucking thing.
We choose and we move.
We decide and we fucking act.
Sometimes our words fumble across the floor and you trip over them. But Mercury didn't do shit to you... it's just what happened and guess what.
You can pick yourself up and gather your words and rearrange them... all good. There's no egoic signature on the bottom that says you're a fuck up.


Maybe we've bought into that argument about how the ego is evil.
And maybe it's not as true as you may think it is.
Maybe killing off a part of yourself would be beneficial if someone wanted to divide and conquer a soul...
But....there's something to be said for who our Ego really is.
Who he/she really is, is the part of ourselves that goes forth as the conqueror.
The protector, the guide. The one who relays to our souls what we like, what we don't.
The part that fully invests into this physical reality, boldly going to bring us back the fruits of our time here.
Certainly our Ego can be unbalanced at times...when it yanks us too hard one way or another.
Or when it's being overprotective, out of an underlying fear, or unhealed experience.'s doing what she's created to protect us, to guide us...maybe overdramatically so, and wrecks havoc as she goes on a warpath striving to get what you've denied her.

A balanced Ego.
The beauty of this full beingness, full awareness. This wonderful aspect of ourselves.
She's a fucking warrior.
She leads us forward without fear. She knows she doesn't have to cling or strive for anything. But she's the goddess, the queen. And none of her desires will pass her by.
They might even be delivered.
But she serves, and is served. She is fire, and warmth, and heat.
Burning those who handle her carelessly....
Glory to those who understand.

Take her hand. Bring her out of the shadows where you've placed her.
Care for her. Allow her. Heal her.
And maybe... when you choose to stop slaughtering yourself...
You heal too.
And so does your world.


Let's make truth popular.

and I'm not talking about the truth out there... the ideas and beliefs we pick up and debate over until we decide on whatever view feels comfortable to us at the time.
I'm talking about inner truth.
The knowing of who we really are.
The real truth that we are allowed to decide NOT to choose from only the options presented to us.
We get to create our own.
And when we change, we can change those truths as well...
and there's never a need to justify, explain, reason, or fight to do get to do that.
We are the truth, our own truth.
And it's the only one that matters. <3



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