Friday, October 7, 2022

Futures of the's CORN!

 It's only been a handful or two...of months...
"I'm totally alive and well!"
mundane ---
   I quit sewing at home, I laid aside ShadowDragon Dreams... yet again.
   I still have the job.
   Still have the quail, the kids, the pets, the numerous household projects I've yet to get done.
  I recently finished the first draft of book 7
   Still working on the other book.
   Still have plans/ideas for my feng shui group workbook thing...'s shifting.
  Still workout almost every day of the week.
   I have a bushel of apples in my kitchen.
   Finally regrouted my bathroom tile.
  I pet sit still, but only recurring clients, not taking any new ones right now.
   Have a ton of yard stuff to do...pool stuff...

The Alchemist is still here and I love that.
  this makes like 3 years, yo! I'm SO ECSTATIC!

I think I'll actually go write a few pages in this other book I'm working on..
It;s a process since it's not a story...
It's about ME and The Alchemist... and omg, I love it so fucking much.


Future post... cause I have it on my to-do list and why not.

A chunk of weeks until the revealing.
The theater is ready, the backdrops are set....
and now the actors are practicing their lines.
The lighting crews and the prop directors are awaiting their time to shine.
Just a handful more weeks and this show will be a GO!

You'll start to feel the settling in by November as people take their seats.
They'll be anticipating the new stories, the new writers, the new characters...
They'll get comfortable and cozy and sigh with relief...
and then the curtains will open to reveal THIS WHOLE NEW THING!
This new thing you never saw coming.
No one leaked info, or spoke a word of it...yet here it is..laid bare before our eyes.
   The new program and the new system...
Then the scene will open...the story set...and hence forth the integration will commence.

You won't have to ask for what you need...
It will be served.
You won't have to struggle to make ends meet...
The new systems will be user friendly, although a slight learning curve (or a set back to some for a very short time)
But overall, things will run smoother and faster once you get the hang of it.
Lapse time will be shortened dramatically, so don't be surprised if things go from thought to reality fairly quickly.
Remain seated and play along with the characters...
    they will be there to entrain you to navigate and utilize the new structures, programs, and systems.

Take note: There will be multiple sides of the theater.
Think of it like a symphony or orchestra. Some people will be the base drums, others the trumpets, still others the violins and flutes and cellos and oboes...
recognize and be kind to those who are opposite your playing field.
We all work in accordance with the tools and knowledge we've accumulated thus far.

The rest of us in the balcony seats who don't participate will be watching the show and the audience and throwing little tips to help you enjoy the disaster adventure you have found yourself in.
We have popcorn up here.

MUNDANE MYSTERIES: Why do we eat popcorn at the movies? | Star 99.9

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