Wednesday, December 3, 2014

What are we? ...we are the music (muse sic = to think...thus was it written)

You would think I wouldn't still be struck down by every divine rush that happens my way. This living by the ocean is exhilarating....and I still find myself tilting my head in a whirling sea of ignorance and insight. What do I do with this ball of complicated simple wisdom?
Let's start with the first blow....and no, I don't make up these things....these things are real and yes, they do happen to me, and yes, I enjoyably spend my life pondering them....everyday. ..
There's this sign in front of a church down the road. I often pass it by. It reads.... "God is not there to keep us from trials, but to see us through them.". Truthfully, I always thought of it as bland and continuously hoped they wouldn't wait out the entire month to change it to some new adage. But, I read it over and over each time I drove to or from home....and yeah, both sides say the same thing....still, and it's been weeks.
So I really don't like it and it sounded kinda lame and full of milk. ...well.... here's where it gets into that idea that words are not merely words but something my last post title... Frequency, was frequent sea.... and there have been many instances of words being much more than just words....they are vibrations and this so called frequency....
well, just yesterday, there was this moment where I again read this rather boring sign... thinking how that the boss man would indeed help us through our trials....and man, there have been plenty as of late.
"No, read it again." He would say.
So, yeah...I read it again in my head....'sees us through them...'
Sees us.
Not as in, watching or helping us through them...but sees who we are....sees who we truly are when faced with these trials. Sees everything when we lay ourselves bare and lay all upon him...because who else could carry them?
Seas us....crashing like waves and we are cleansed from our masks.... trials....try alls........ I'm telling you this is my life and it couldn't be more beautiful living by the sea.
And this brings me to seeing each other as we are....

May I continue? ...I was browsing through this know, the kind that seems interesting, but you keep turning pages every 4 seconds to see if anything at all strikes your fancy, but it doesn't...well, I was caught up by one post....yeah, just one in the whole magazine....go was talking about how people exchange gifts for the winter solstice, call it yule, christmas, I don't care..., point is, the post kept on rambling about how the divine is silence...and I was thinking how the divine is also vibration...and the waves are both and its all correct...even though the author kept on about silence is divine, silence is truth... whatever dude, it-He-we are both... and I was shown that the other night....before I even read that article.

I'm not totally sure how to explain it really.... think of your body....and envision sound waves coming from it... like ripples on water....or something...I can't give you an imagination...
anyway...they come in and go out from us, like a radio antenna.
You have the vibration of the ripple/sound and in between those you have the stillness/silence. It's a pattern.
So boss man was showing me that when we try to take over and gain control of a situation/person it triggers our emotions (E motions, energy motions) to a different frequency, that they cause the smoother ripples to shake out of balance, like splashing would cause peaceful ripples to lose their path/shape/smoothness.
We need to not worry about stuff guys....he's been on the same frequency all this time and helping us tune in and I don't know why we keep changing the channel.
random do know what a channel is don't you..?....or you can think of channeling....
Stop making waves...that's not your job. Haha....I'm thinking of tons of puns now. 'Don't rock the boat. Don't make waves. The coast is clear' .... I need

I helped Santa Clause shop for bells today at work. I was gonna ask if he was still taking requests for Christmas, but chickened out. Dude, I'm working...anyway...I was gonna ask for hubby's back to be better and for him to get a really good job that doesn't suck and he can do...cause I don't like working somewhere not at home.'s almost crunch time for my at home work stuff....and of course tomorrow is shot...and all I have is Friday after work. Unless I can convince myself to get up early and go pick up a t-shirt at the store...haha...that's funny.
I should be working on my book (chapter 24!) but guess what I'm doing....writing about insightful dealings...
and I had a dream about the word transcend....with a tree in it.... not sure how that connects yet...trans send...trans end...transcend...higher frequency probably. ..hmm... trans means across/beyond/through.... beyond end? idk.

I've seen light waves before....and there's no better way of making you think your eyes are spazzing than to see light waves... They have bands of light (similar to ripples) and in between guessed it, bands of darkness. And they move fast, so fast that you try to catch them in motion, but they've already gone way past where your eye's pretty cool...but I bet it wouldn't be all that great if it stayed that would probably think you were hallucinating.

yeah, I'm wavering in subjects here.
so, I'm gonna go then. Maybe get some sort of sleep and let the world take care of itself tomorrow while I'm trapped at one job, and somehow sew all these tee shirts Friday afternoon.

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