Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Bingo was his name-O


like... this path, or whatever one wants to call it...
is the shit.
the good shit, of course.
     (the kind that flows out, not too fast, not too slow..
          smooth, without all the chunks.
                 relieving kind...and leaving with you wondering what the heck you ate.)

besides the point

so random things... things we are not going to divulge
         (because the actual physical reality of it, is irrelevant...
                 and frankly moot.)
as the energy is just deciphered specifically for each individual...
These random things... appeared... not out of nowhere...but out of nowhere...
and they were here ALL ALONG.
   and that whole vibrational reality and receptivity of our frequency is spot on

and yes, we're being vague, cause we don't have to be anything else. HA!



yes, there's an AND

A moment happened today... where you get fired up to respond to a facebook post.
   (but not the perceived bad kind!)
and we posted... but we was skerd cause maybe we were too passionate...
  but we weren't...
and the universe said it was just source building up inside you so you could express the fuck outta it.
   (and no.... we didn't elaborate on politics or anything like normal people...)
 So we had lots of likes.... (as if those mean anything...)
   because we got to explain eight grade quantum reality to third graders...
                   (disclaimer: not actual grades...just an analogy)
               (and we were glad our writing skills came out in a way that were understood)

in smaller words... we provided a clear and balanced perspective of 'ego' and how trying to kill it, is in no way at all helpful to anyone.
      (Please do not harm the egos)


This is in fact the second blog post of the day.... but we gonna just let it hang out with the tab open for another day or so, lol... no use in thinking we are actually gonna write more often.

I'm busy proofing and editing screenplays right (write!) now. ;)





I feel like a coach... and I'm not getting ____...
                I just realized a HUGE thing I shifted the other day...
                People do not provide for me...
                The Universe provides for me... sometimes through people and sometimes other)

I advised two people today alone. And that doesn't include the instance I posted above.


not procrastinating...but waiting until the invoice is paid, got some work to do...
cut out some canvas for 3 of the frames... and need more...
could probably go cook... kinda hungry
edited a screenplay yesterday and need to add a scene... but almost finished with that one.
then reread the other and make sure what was changed works

you know those times when you are just looking around at  all the things you want or should or could do...
but you aren't enticed to do any of them...
that's this place right now, lol

and I'm blatantly just writing to be writing, with nothing to really say.
good practice for the typing kill, I suppose.


So ...

Body is good and wants to eat simpler things. She just wants rice, and yogurt, and some meat. She's been whining when there's anything more than that on the plate...

Mind is not impressed by any of the tasks we've offered her. She wants a new toy to play with. I think it might be a dyson. ... 'Be sure to get that dishwasher too." she scowls at us.

Brain is tapping the schedule she laid out, trying to get us to initiate something towards the inevitable goal.

Ego is kinda thrilled that we called the Overseer a bitch and not her. We told her we wouldn't fire her, and she just feels all loved and shit. She's been complimenting Soul's ability to comment on facebook without sounding like a douche.

The Kid is taking a nap.

Soul is not worried at all about Brain's schedule and completely believes we will be ahead of schedule after we've sufficiently filled our very important laziness quota. She's been pondering some things and reevaluating some old beliefs. Probably will be a purge soon. That'll be fun.



Day after....cause that's how we roll

"We should have something of our own..."
   She looks at us, as if we ever had answer for her.
Perhaps, child...
   But if we resonate with all the things we love...
how do we choose just one?
   How do you eat just one meal? forever?
Eat only at the same restaurant? forever?
   The same cuisine? Shall we only eat tacos? Only spaghetti? Only steak?

"How about...just me?"  She stares at all the creations...
               (not 'eat' her... gah!) (but create regarding her...ugh)
She reminds me of two of my favorite people.
   The Christ and my son...

And we all glance at each other and simply...and without resistance... nod.

God, we love her.

Ego reminds us once again... that she's the one who found this little spirit.
We again acknowledge that...just to shut her up.

The Kid dances off with one of her stuffed creatures in her hand, flopping erratically.
So easy to satisfy a child...
To satisfy us all.


give in to your inner child.
Give them whatever they want.
And it's best to do it sooner, rather than later...

And ...

give in to your children
Give them whatever they want
And it's best to do it sooner, rather than later...

Or you can require obedience...
You can require they fill your needs first...
You can manipulate and hold something apart from them...

But you're only doing it to yourself... denying yourself like you deny them, like you deny heaven

Love your kids.
Love them.
Love yourself.
Love you.
Love all of you... which is all of the ALL.



I wasn't gonna post this one...
but now that we've gone all kid-friendly... lol
I get to.


The 2020 bingo card is almost full...
the season finale is coming late next month...

I need one of these to win...

Alien Disclosure/Arrival    (they are already here...)
Asteroid Impact     (please kill us all)
Revolution/Civil War       (Patriots <3)
Shut Down of Media and Social Media   (gonna happen anyway eventually for an overhaul)
Country of Texas   (hope you like bugs)
Nesara/Gesara    (conspiracy, don't bother looking it up)
Murder for not wearing a muzzle    (aka a mask...self-explanatory)
Martial Law    (snitches get stitches)
Zombies   (not deer... people)
Food Shortages   (ummm....this may have already began)
Revelation   (yes)

Stay tuned for the next episode



And something with tetrahedrons.... for Dec. 21, 2020
this is new...   
                            (yes, I was attempting to connect to my future self on that date... this is what I got
                                from myself...)  (of course... the transmission and receiver are different, because
                              reception is strange when actively doing this on purpose) (But more or less...
                                   it's a let down...so don't have high hopes about it.) (Things have shifted clearer)

     (The Tetrahedron represents the element of Fire and is linked to the Solar Plexus; the center for personal power and acceptance. It creates the natural balance between the physical and spiritual. Each side sits flat, no matter how it is turned, making it the perfect symbol for balance and stability.)

Balance, stability, power, acceptance, FIRE...

so the asteroid, LOL
The great reset? HA!
It is 2012 anyway... so maybe...
Why is this exciting?!

wait...the asteroid causing the reset!!
and then the food shortage causes the revolution... oh wait...
or causes zombies...
or the aliens... try to 'rescue' us...what's left of us...
but people are afraid and don't want to go with them cause they watched the movie where they get eaten


Sounds fun. Who else signed up for this skit here on earth at this time?

Dude....some dude just referenced Martial Law on the news channel...two seconds ago
because people are listening to the other people in charge... willingly..
pssh.... whatever...   not my circus

wait... maybe Trump does win and the election is overthrown...
Or doesn't... and Texas leaves the union.... so the reptilians can't control them/us.
I've lost track HAHAHAHAHA!
This is fun, bullshitting about the 2020 season finale...


Are Hawaiian's allowed to laugh loudly...
    Or just a low ha....?

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