Friday, November 13, 2020

We've killed the overlord

~ Overseer ~

noun: overseer; plural noun: overseers
person who supervises others, especially workers


This bitch....
let me tell you about her...

she likes those little words, the ones that come out all snide like
the ones that keep you cradled close to the small little things
only the things where you are kept in line
out of trouble
out of sight
out of mind...

saw her the other day...maybe a week ago
and she was dismissed.
this overseer... this over see-er....
who likes to tell you all the things she sees possible...
which in every case is a small piece of the universe...and she's also fucking blind.
so it wasn't much...
but we heard her little words and saw her little ruse...
fucking rule-followers...
there's no way to even describe the annoying perception I have of you.

and then we dismissed the rules...

And today... a few simple words shifted the entire trajectory of possibilities into this lane.
"As an initiate of the Universe..."

those words... especially once we did this weird thing of Joe Dispenza's...
(which truthfully cut off short and left you floating in space without any aim whatsoever, lol)


so it's like 2 days later since I wrote that above ^ ^ ^
   (I'm wonderful at stopping when the feeling dies out...
           or starting when the feeling actually finally comes)
But things...glorious things...
big big shifts...
and not just the energetic kind.

There's a struggle here unfortunately.
As even if there's a way to describe and attribute, or even analogy-ize the explanation...
which there is... and for once words do exist...
There's something here that begs not to be disclosed.
And Ego is shaking her head confused, saying 'It's not me, yo.'
   even if she probably would if she wanted to...

A strange thing.
To become mightily aware of a specified and glorious aspect...
and not divulge...
not divulging the secret....which is not a secret at all...
but the commoners.... would only ravage the garden if you told them...

I'll have to save it for those who are brought hither.

And it is something....

luckily the Alchemist is here too.... which is great, because he's invested now, lol.
Signing up for the next round perhaps.
God love him.
Signing contracts and shit so as to see this through for awhile longer.
"Taking on more responsibility." He grumbles slightly.
but would it be any fun if you knew it would be simple and easy...
"Yes." He assures me. "The payoff however..."

and asking about what equals success in the aetherlands...
"Walking the path. Especially with you."





Magical Forest - FREE Premade Background by Lilyas on DeviantArt.


Body is nodding. Satisfied with outcomes and ease. She thinks it would be a great time to start exercising from time to time, only to immediately follow those thoughts with a huge belly laugh. She really just wants to take a hot shower and read.

Mind is chill. Still high. She hasn't been back down for a while now.

Brain is thrilled that tasks are coming into view and all she wants to do is schedule them out in the correct order....only to hope for once that the rest of us listen to her itinerary.

Ego is kicking her feet... waiting for something to cling to....but only because it would be fun to do the old things every now and then... just to fuck with us... She thinks it's funny.

The Kid is waiting for us to get the new canvas frames we can start painting stuff. She wants colors. Lots of colors.... but more or less just eagerly waiting to play with some magical rocks tomorrow.

Soul is almost about to demand things, giving us the hard stare. She wants us to meditate in the afternoons....IMMEDIATELY, she stresses. So.... we know that she'll lose her shit if we don't oblige... and we do not want that.


I think we're done here...

Bring home mountains of spring water and drink to your heart's delight... but know that the water isn't just water and your heart is more than what you have in your chest. All things are replenished, all things are filled, and all things are brought forth as puddles under your feet. Be sure to were your water boots and splash that shit. It's fun.


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