Sunday, June 13, 2021

Feel me up

 Took me awhile to find something annoying. HAHA!

Found this little gem on facebook...
*It’s very important for the next 24-48 hours that we concentrate on how we can serve the Universe above focusing on ourselves. This energy is needed right now in order to create a timeline that will help raise the frequency specifically for the next energetic update. The more the better*

Imma just dissect this intentionally all rude like.
Serve = Slave   in etymology....
The Universe is NOT separate from you. You don't just 'serve' the universe and stop serving yourself...
*facepalm emoji inserted here

and energetic updates don't come from some imaginary sun sign or planet or shuman resonance...
please... *slowly drags fingers down face
It comes from YOU bitches. CAUSE IT'S ALL YOU
Nothing is 'needed' either....


Do what you need to do to give yourself everything you want and deserve.
Many literately throw out huge store holds of joy and happiness because of (any excuse).
You get to be happy.
Step into that happiness.
That is where all your joy is. <3 
     ...even if it's just a _____...even if it's just _____.
It's you, it's all you. Love yourself.


the other night I got interrupted by some weird download...
about meat suits, antennas, and static.
humans... antennas wrapped in insulation (the meat suits)
and filtering through space like static...
the tree of life is the grounding rod to solidify our connection to the forever electricity...

take what you want from that...all I know is that it wouldn't go away.
you're welcome



"All those words aren't going to be able to teach you how to feel." - The Alchemist

He's talking about a video I'm listening to from this dude named Larry...
talking about money stuff
(anyway... )
there's been this specific thing we've been focusing on...
and there's this misalignment of matching signals happening...
something I was unaware of until my manifesting game goes to shit....
but I think now I know why it goes to shit sometimes....
it's because my energy of myself and my body are completely two different things... there's this confusion of manifesting going on....
but it's nice to know I know why now...
We are spending time with that, yeah.

"Exactly." He relaxes, as I turn off the video, pleased it's quiet now.

Perhaps he is starting to appreciate these little writing sessions.

"I am." He affirms. "You listen better."

Maybe cause I hear better... now...
even in meditation lately, there's so much fucking noise.

"Gotta do it while you're awake and living....not in the dark." He adds. "You don't do much living in your sleep."

That was a lame sentence. Is he off his game?
I catch his scowl. He's offended I didn't like his words.
but he's right, even from the last time we chatted...about 'feeling with your eyes open'

"Of course, I'm right." He glares.

So what are we doing net? Or are we just focusing on this new practice?

"You just started. Like yesterday. Are you already looking ahead when you just got here?" He asks.

Of course I am.
And of course, I know skipping all the basics of something tends to bite me in the ass later.
I may get to level 5000 overnight, but I'll never beat it without knowing what happened at level 12....cause I skipped it... or maybe I'll just take longer... and maybe I'll still be ahead....

He listens, but doesn't respond to my ramblings. I think he may share some of those strategies....and just will not ever admit it. Probably got him where he is today... assuming there actually were levels and whatnot.

"There may not be levels...but there certainly are perceptions." He adds almost quietly.

Who does he work for, I wonder... Is he an initiate of the Universe too?
He makes a slight grimace face. Almost looks as if I'm completely on the wrong path. He probably thought I was smarter. Now that I reread what I sounds stupid... words are stupid.
He takes a deep breath....

"What do you think the Universe is?" He ever so frustratedly glances my way.

Do I have to answer that? I'm not in an answering mode, at all...
He waits, not peeling away.
Damn it...

The whole of all the things. I take the simple path.

"Close enough." He looks away. "How do you serve, that which you are?" He stresses those words....

So I can't even serve myself?

"Not like you think." He slowly shakes his head.

New thoughts trail through my mind...

"Yes." He adds, ever so quietly, letting me know I stepped onto the more legit track...

Nice. I'll take that.

"But don't go too far on that path." He quickly adds in. "It's only relevant when you see from a specific perception. Go too deep and you'll get lost."

Like a rabbit hole in the dark. I laugh at the analogy of going down a rabbit hole...
He smirks, unimpressed by my childish view of the whole universe.

Now what? Want me to go meditate and feel...or what?

"Go play your game. Enough thinking, enough words. Just feel." He kinda orders...

Just fill...

Cosmology: Revealing the Story of the Universe | Live Science

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