Friday, December 10, 2021

BOSS ~ Financail Feng Shui 101

 "Debt to Divine: Defeating the Boss, to Becoming the BOSS!"

Step 1:

Set you goal.
Get it down to the details.
Hone your aim.
Know exactly what you want.
*** WRITE it down! Carry it in your pocket and look at it often!! Don't risk forgetting!
Set a time frame.
What feels good and easy for you?
How long do you want to focus on this goal?
What is the end feeling you want?
How will you feel when you reach this goal?
How will you feel if you reach it sooner than planned?
What about if it takes a little longer?
Make sure your goal, your time frame, and your feelings about it all FEEL FABULOUS!

Infusing your energy, thoughts, actions with supportive awesome emotions creates the frequency and channel that defines the experience you will have during the journey.
We check in with these feelings every time we look at our goal sheet. Which we will benefit from by looking at it OFTEN!

If we find ourselves off the good feeling path, we realign and get back into feeling good before we take action toward something. Don't take a step unless the step is filled with energy that you like.
***It doesn't matter what the action is or the object. It matters how YOU ARE while you are on your way to it, or on it.
You are creating the energy, not you responding to the outside things' energy.
We are not going to respond.
We are not going to swerve and make way for outside things to tell us where we are going or what we are doing.
We are not moving from our focus. From our chosen good emotions. From our desires.
We are not folding or stepping aside or playing servant to ANYTHING outside of ourselves!

We are creating and FORGING our path and those outer things will move around US!

Yes, this is BOSS energy.
You don't walk down a crowded street and move out of the way of everyone, or you will not get to where you're going very efficiently. The difference between Morpheus and Neo in the Matrix when they were on the street learning about agents. You get the picture.
You stand up and WALK with certainty... and most, if not all, of those people move for you.
This is what we are accomplishing by sticking to our goal, and not cowering when something tries to make us step away from it.
LEARN the word NO. Say NO to things appearing to pull you from your throne.
'MOVE TF OUT OF MY WAY' (or I will totally run you tf over with my big ass gas-guzzling suv and not think another thing about it) - ENERGY.
Decide what you want to call this version of you. And start dating him/her. Cause you are going places and you're gonna get there faster than you think.

So write the goal out, and time frame, and carry it with you.
when you take an action on the goal, write it out too!
In the case of making a payment, include how much it was, where it came from, how you feel taking that step, and what you want to feel more of when you take the next.

My goal for reference is paying off $4000 on a specific debt.
   This is not including anything else, no other debts, no other bills, no other obligations. This is the one I want to see as $0 balance. This is the one I've enjoyed my time with and want it ready and open to provide me with new experiences in the future.
I'm giving myself 60 days. Technically by Feb 6th... to have this at $0 balance, so I am open and free to focus on upcoming spring projects and my youngest's birthday. Oh...and I have a concert to go to then too.
So yeah, Feb 6th. $0 balance on one of my favorite credit cards.

I have my goal written down and it's gonna be in my pocket or with my phone, so I always have it with me at least most of the time.

I will be doing a gentle clearing on clutter to get it out of my way and out of sight.
I will be handling and bulk build up in any drawers or closets or areas I frequent.
And I'm adding in some physical movement to get my body to release.
And self care relaxation to get my body to receive.
Will elaborate on those more in Step 2 or 3

I don't work the last half of December, cause that's Soul's time.... so I will not be focusing on my business or building/creating an 'earned' (ick, what a crap word) income. Which you'd think will affect my finances, but it actually enhances it because Soul does her thing and she creates/attracts money by 'being' happy. Like magic.
She'll probably play her ukelele, write, do art, make gifts, bake, and get all gung ho about something insane. It'll certainly be fun. I do know she wants to rewatch the Jurassic World movies for some reason (god, why!?), and deep clean the bathroom...with like a scrub brush and shit (what t f...?)...and I'm trying to talk her out of it. And jigsaw puzzles...
But she'll probably make more

BTW... as of writing this out here, I got a $400 check and a $180 paypal payment in...  (tbd how much will go toward my goal, but I will write it down when I take that action)
30% will go to Soul, cause that's my space of love in receiving. ($174)
I know 30% is high af when you are trying to tackle a goal, but this isn't the boss in the water temple of Zelda and just kill the thing already...

*** This is creating you as the BOSS...and you get 30 fucking %. PERIOD.

This technique will pay you more than in money down the road and if you learn nothing else, learn this... PAY YOURSELF FIRST.
Rewrite whatever programming tells you it's hard, or too much, or scary, or whatever pansy ass excuse you could choose... DO NOT BEND THE KNEE. DO NOT ACCOMMODATE THE MATRIX OR IT'S AGENTS. MOVE TF OUT OF YOUR OWN

Get on it.


"Debt to Divine: Defeating the Boss, to Becoming the BOSS!"

Step 2:

We've got our goal set. Now we are going to allow energy in and through and up and out and all over the place, cause THAT support and abundance and prosperity IS already in and around us, that all we are doing is tapping in to it.
We are allowing it to move in our realities and our experiences and our wallets too.

        Simply put, a decent and EASY clearing and cleaning.
   No, I'm talking saging your house, unless you want to. I'm talking getting those little tasks and hang ups tended to and put to rest. For reals.
   I'm talking making sure clutter isn't piling up on your kitchen table. Making sure your kitchen sink isn't full of dirty dishes or stacked ever so precariously into the drying rack to where no one wants to touch them for fear they might fall....cause they most definitely will.
  I'm talking about picking up that trash out of your car. Sweeping your floors and putting things away where they go. Making sure your crap you have with you isn't stuffed to the brim full of useless stuff.
  Make your phone calls, get shit handled. You don't want some thing you haven't done constantly on replay in the back of your mind while you are walking forward into goal territory, because that one little thing could very well be the one that slows you down, pulls you back, or delays an anchor you forgot to pull out of the water.
Get with it. Handle your shit. Get your affairs in order. In 1 day you could do most all of this.

If you open your dresser drawer and it's full of crap you keep pushing to the back, cause you know you are only going to keep choosing these 3 favorite shirts over and over... do yourself a favor and pitch the rest of the stuff that's literately taking up room for NEW and AMAZING.

       We are multi-dimensional, multi-layered beings. Let's not disregard how energy moves through our bodies.
 Get moving. Walk, dance, clean, put an intentional hop in your step, kick a bag, run through the forest naked... whatever works for you. Get some exhilaration into your cells. Into your muscles, into your soul. No matter what you do, DO IT intentionally.
While you're present in moving your body, tell it good things.
Every time I punch the shit out of this kick bag, I make space for $10.
Every time I do a little jig while cooking supper, I make space for prosperity.
Every time I dash around the house at 4am naked, a $100 idea pops into my head.
You get the point. Customize and cultivate this for you and specifically FOR YOU.
Not your kids, not your spouse, not your cat. YOU. This is ALL for YOU.

You get to be greedy and selfish and anything else someone wants to say that pulls you off track and away from your goal (they are an agent of the matrix, yo). While you're at it, become best friends with those words that trigger emotions within you. If you can't handle being called a 'selfish, only thinks of yourself, all you care about it blah blah blah...'  you won't be able to handle $10 million either. ...because if level 1 of 'You spent $10 on a smoothie, that's ridiculous' name calling hurts your little feelers, level 50 'Why don't you just give me a million dollars, don't you love me' could destroy you...and make you broke...without that backbone.

When we expand, we expand to include more. So more free, more selfish, more giving, more happy, more understanding, more boundaries, more choosiness, more pickiness, more loving, more open, more of it all... If you want to try and choose just the good, go for it...but when we heal our relationship with what we have learned is 'bad'.... we make it good too....because WE ARE INHERENTLY AND NATURALLY GOOD.

I'm fucking selfish when I need to be.
I like things and experiences and ideas and expansion and learning.... and while sometimes other's have a fit about me 'wasting my time on this new thing' and not sitting all week to watch whateverthefuck is on Netflix... that doesn't mean I won't include them in my wealth.
When I benefit, they benefit. And I don't hold it against them. When they benefit, I benefit because I want them to succeed and prosper too!
So be selfish. Cause you can't pour from an empty cup.


      Relaxation! Rejuvenation! Rest!
Take that hot bath, soak it up. Sit in the sun when you can. Use your lotions, oils, bathbombs, whatever.
Tend to your fingernails, your nose hairs. Wear comfortable clothing you just luuuuuv!
Includes scents you like. Include a quiet night with candles. Do your thing.
Massage, breathe, make love, self-care and more self-care.
Soft gentle music, sitting quietly a few times a day to feel yourself and check your mindset.
Meditate, soothe, spoil yourself a bit.
Go to the forest, even if you are just sitting in the car in silence (and maybe the heater).
Go to the water.
Touch things...go to Home Goods or Target and TOUCH the blankets, the furs, the dishes, the stuffs....or for a more masculine touch, go to Lowes, gaze upon the tools, put them in your hand. Feel the weight of that Husqvarna chainsaw. Walk down the wood aisles, the good wood, touch that sanded maple trim and ooh and ahh over it. You do you, yo.
** TOUCH is a great tool for embodying your FULL AWARENESS and FULL SELF.
This creates a safe space for that abundance and wealth to reach our physical being.


I have my goal written out.
I'm off to go do a SIMPLE and EASY clearing and cleaning.
I'm changing the bedsheets, and making sure those dishes are put away.
My bedroom will be cleaned fully, simply.
And most other things I will handle when I come to them.
My sewing room is a mess and so is the room we just laid carpet in, so that needs set up better until I get my cabinets (which happened to be out of stock, so I gotta wait for those)
Yes, clear off the kitchen table, cause I know there's something on it again...
I will do some work on some orders that I can, as I don't have all the pieces in yet.
Spend some getting-to-know-you time on the treadmill.
Long hot shower, cause I can.
Make myself a smoothie.

I have to run to run to the bank/store/Hobby Lobby for work and tasks tomorrow. Will be taking an action on my goal and I will write it down. And it's closer to $4300 than 4k...sooo... I'm going to love that and get in line with knowing support will show up for that extra amount as well. Cause "$0 balance owed" is a glorious thing to see. <3
And making an effort to create a real meal plan, cause this winging it 95% of the time just isn't supporting of my happiness.
Will talk more about supporting our happiness in Step 3!


"Debt to Divine: Defeating the Boss, to Becoming the BOSS!"
Step 3:

Supporting ourselves for the journey, staying focused, and taking actions.

It's not all about the striving for the money or the attainment of something.
It's also not just about the clearing and cleaning and making space.
It's not even about keeping our eye on the prize.
It's more about creating an atmosphere inwardly and outwardly that supports the venture towards your goal AND supports you along the way, AND supports the space you want to be in when you reach your that it is maintained.

Thoughts and old mindsets are one of the first things that will show up to turn your eyes toward whatever distractions it can get you to latch onto.
Old beliefs about not being able to accomplish this or that, or memories of how difficult it was the last time.
When we make room for the old replay's of yesterday, we add them to our playlist and don't get to listen to the songs that move us forward.
    (Feng Shui tip: make a new playlist of every great song that feels aligned with your goal and how you want to feel reaching your goal. And only listen to it during your timeframe)
We fall back on old patterns and start doing things the way we've learned before, because it will relieve the pressure NOW...even if it causes us to lose track later. And you know it does, yet we allow the old actions and ideas and decisions to control us now....which just leads us to more of the same of what we've gotten.  

*** So our first support is maintaining that focus.
Staying honed on our signal of goal territory.
Put your BOSS clothing on, even if you're staying at home, and WEAR that energy.
No allowing anything but today's choices in.
And we need to make that choice EVERY SINGLE DAY.

When we take actions, we need to attune to our desired emotions and inner knowings.
Not all airy fairy, this feels good, but ALSO we WANT the hard proven facts that taking that action gives us a result we feel good about.
So yeah, making a higher than normal payment can be scary, if you are cutting into money you may need for other things later, BUT... sometimes the emotional energy comes AFTER WE TAKE THE ACTION.   (this happens for me a lot!)
So personally I know myself that I have to disregard many of my emotions before taking an action...and fucking JUMP. It always catches me in the end though...and usually the bigger, crazier, most ridiculous actions create the most joy and substantial amount of progress for me. I know I hold myself back far more than I'd like to admit... because emotions (eww).
Anyway, we often feel good about it afterwards! So know yourself and how you work with your own energy.
*** Feel amazing before, or during, or after.... but don't let any of the feelers make your choice for you.

When it feels like shit, we can do something about it too.
We can not take the action.
          (Safety check, be sure to wear your knee pads and harness, cause you ain't going nowhere (('now here' is where you'll stay)))
We can tweak the action back into our safe space of, that feels good, let's make little waves and hope for the best.
         (Who wants to suffer longer? eww. Let's totally make room for weak cowardly moves...NOT)
We can change us and how we see and feel about it.
         (Winner winner, chicken dinner!)
   Sit with the thought, the emotion, the idea, the action   and   move    that    shit   up   through   your    body   and   hold   it   in   your   heartspace.   Hold that bitch there with love, and allowing, and acceptance, and space, and room to scream/kick/fight/argue/flail/ have a temper tantrum in the middle of the Santa line at the mall...and you're going to hold it in LOVE as she/he does so.... until it's done. And when it's done, give her/him a hug and love them 1000x more...and then... DO THE THING.

*** We change energy by being present with it.
Like the child on the floor causing you nothing but embarrassment and shame and omg, I must be the worst parent to just stand here and watch this brat of a child wail and not get her way... *big sigh...
too fucking bad....


So on my personal $4300, I want this to say $0 balance owed machine.... GOAL
I'm making a payment of $600 today.
This feels incredibly crazy, cause other bills will come up in a week or two...and the electric bill...god knows how much that will be...will come around the 10th...
We're going to figure it out later, cause today... we take a step closer to a $0 balance on this amazing credit card.
$4300 - 600 = $3700

Stay on top of the things that you are putting off.
Move the body and spend time with it.
Relax and rejuvenate appropriately. Like really GO ALL IN on this. We have to take care of our soul, desire, ethereal, and physical beingness to allow that flow of support to match us. So ALLOW it for yourself.
** Make the match to the receiving you want to experience!


I'm doing some footwork for my sewing business and clearing out little tidbits I could sell, send invoices if needed, and make sure my orders are organized and streamlined for quick creation and out the door shipments.
There's only 10 days left before I go on hiatus and do other things besides 'work'...even if I like it.

We can chat about using your pathways and streamlining potential incomes in Step 4 ;)



"Debt to Divine: Defeating the Boss, to Becoming the BOSS!"
Step 4

Money helps us reach our goals.
It really doesn't matter if that goal is a bill, a debt, a car, a mate, a pina colada in Maui....
Money is the part that makes it shine and glow. Almost like the lifeforce.
Yeah, we can get there without money sometimes....but you very well know money helps, enriches, enhances, and establishes a whole lot more than just paying for it.

The balance we maintain as we dance with money, have fun with money, play with money, and enjoy money reveals itself in our finances, in our debts, in our incomes, in our spaces of desires and experiences, as well as in our wallets.
When we allow a freedom to permeate through our interactions with money, it flows more, better, stronger, faster...
When we pinch off, grip tightly, stress, create tension, worry our way to a poor mindset with money, it stifles off, it slows, it gets snagged, hindered, stagnant, and we replay stories of how we didn't 'control' it properly....
But it's never about control. It's about co-creation and trust and allowing and movement, and expansion.
Money is an energy.
We play with it...and when we keep it as a friend and not a slave... it keeps coming back, bring more of the same along beside it.

We've talked about our use of our money and staying focused on our goal, allowing a space for it to come to fruition...
Now let's dive into the aspects of the receiving end.
We want money. We often want more of it. We want it to flow continuously and consistently.
There are many pathways/doorways for the money to meet up with us...

The question is...
Are you limiting those pathways to just one or two doorways, or are you open to others?
Are you only looking at the one that paid off before, or are you perfectly fine with opening more doors?
Are you repeating the same tasks and work that gave you money last time, or are you allowing space to receive without conditions?
Do you have to work hard, or perform in a certain way for money to arrive?

When we are stuck in the belief that we must do 'this thing here' to get money...we automatically are telling ourselves that in order to receive money we now MUST do 'this thing here'.
If I don't do this work... I won't get paid....
If I don't show up and work hard and give my time.... I'll never succeed... I'll be broke.
If I don't get a job, any job, I can't afford this or that.
If I don't try harder, I'll never live up to my expectations of wealth.

All untrue by the way.
There are so many people out there creating, earning, receiving money from every which way and they aren't working hard. They aren't struggling to do this or that thing. They aren't trying to meet expectations or some idea of success or worthiness. They aren't even working jobs much of the time. They certainly aren't out there jumping through hoops of the rat race to get ahead.
They aren't waiting for shit, not even a paycheck.
They are who they are and they are creating beliefs that uphold the ideas that support them. That support a wealthy self. That carve a pathway for money to flow to them without them having to meet conditions they do not choose.

So what beliefs and thoughts and actions are you supporting and living?
If you aren't moving into a thriving mindset, an abundant mindset.... why not?
What are you holding onto that is limiting your prospects and expansion?

The physical actions and processes are here to help you learn using the tried and true old way of earning an income. They serve a great purpose!
But once you've had your fill, now what?
Start creating.
You get to make your own path, your own door, your own world.
What's stopping you?

Some start businesses, some start side hustles, do gigs, try a handful of new things that sounds interesting...
Some just put themselves in really good places and reel in the cash...
What are you doing to break through conditions?
What are you creating?

One thing I recently came across was a huge dose of wisdom that kinda removed some heavy blockages in an instant...
It was about us, as people, doing things in order to produce an effect (like make money, make this thing better, etc.)
It was like building this project/work space in the middle of this forest... and we always have to do the hard work of maintaining our project or uphold our idea, to bring in this money... but we always have to keep trimming and cutting back the forest from taking over...
But.... sometimes..... we discover that this thing we are participating with/in... isn't providing what we hoped... and so we step back and let the forest take it over and bury our past venture beneath new saplings and moss, turning it back again into a forest...
We fill our time and focus with these attempts to create to get something... but we already are something. Something greater. And we don't have to trim and cut ourselves back to get us.
We don't have to struggle and fight and claw our way to get the money.
We are the forest. And money does grow on trees.
The fruit. The wood. The mushrooms...
What's in your forest?
What is natural for you?

We'll never know until you let that forest grow back into those places you clear cut down to build your factories of 'making money'.
You'll never know you and what amazing things you already have if you keep cutting yourself away.

Let go, find the natural paths. See what grows easily. See what feels amazing already.
We don't have to create and struggle for freedom and joy.... it already is us.
Just let it grow.


I'm still working on the biz things to finish up and haven't had a chance to get to them yet.
My 10 days till break/hiatus has become 4!!! YAY!
More abundance for me!
I made $295 yesterday. So 30% (about $90) will go to Soul's cash stash.
The rest will have to go to my electric bill this month...

  ***we don't want to push against our path or goal or fight for creates tension and clogs... so step by step and take the steps you need to when the path is clear energetically.

Easy body movements today.
A quiet meditation.
Taco salad for dinner <3
I also picked up a new pair of running shoes cause yesterday's treadmill run has killed my feet.
   and my feet are sensitive AF... my love language with myself is sometimes quality things, no shame, I also paid cash.

How are you taking care of you?


Also, I have my business built to support me. I work within the forest and the trees are allowed to grow where they please. I've let it be the operator and me the one decorating it.
I do this Financial Feng Shui work within the forest as well. Writing comes naturally and I'd rather be here than trying to do much else. I'm kinda writing a book right now too, and I have book 7 of my novels almost ready to spill out.
My art is the forest too....and I haven't nearly explored enough for that to be known. Even to me. I have released control of the art ideology I held and am no longer taking commissions, letting the forest reclaim what I carved out. This will heal and then we'll get to know one another again, me and me as we express through 'art'.

Comment below what you'd like more info on. I'm game. I don't really have steps in order by any means and write as I go... it just happens to flow together like magic, cause that's how I roll.


"Debt to Divine: Defeating the Boss, to Becoming the BOSS!"
Check in for Step 5!

Goal - check.
Clearing, cleaning, creating space - check.
Getting that energy moving - check.
Equal parts rejuvenation - check.
Taking actions that support and progress toward goal - check.
Opening doors for receiving inwardly and outwardly - check.
Getting your side of the road pristine for your desire - check.
Staying focused - check.

Now manifest the shit out of it.

Use affirmations, magic rocks, oracle cards, your coach, your insightful friends, prayer, magic potions...
Do whatever helps you bring more and more energy to your focus and embodiment.

Feel that desire/goal all the way through from your crown to your root and then surrounding your whole being. Lock onto that emotion of gratitude and fulfillment and carry that baby all damn day as long as you can.
Make it a point to check in with your awareness and thoughts and get your shit straight into an alignment that feels fucking awesome.
Make it a point to kick BS to the curb, even if it's your own BS.

There is not one reason in all the lands why you can't have what you desire.

I'm calling in $2k and it's friends.
No conditions on where it's coming from. I want it in my hands or in my bank account. Both is even better.
I'm calling in the emotion of WHOO HOO!
I'm calling in the feeling of open relaxed receiving and appreciation and delight.
I'm calling in OOMPH power and divine support.
I love when the Universe responds...and when I respond to myself.
I love getting everything I ask for.
I love getting more than I ask for and better that I could even think of.
I am supported and an open space for receiving.
I am connected to my wealth and all it's translations.
Money travels through my experience all the time and in multiple ways.
I am confident to witness my wealth in real time.
I am free to enjoy and explore with my wealth as I desire.

Let's fucking go!

What are your techniques and processes to reach your goals?

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