Thursday, January 29, 2015

Everything really IS awesome....choose that.

I'm really thrilled actually. Thrilled that these words spill out of their confinements and lay themselves bare. No longer hidden behind humdrum beginnings or mysterious endings. Oh the joy of these numerous fascinations.
Duality.... or now dubbed 'dueling reality'.... I think I can see through the mist a little clearer. Though seeing what amazement it would already know things are much clearer.
And so this leads to being caught up in a one way ticket....a one track mind....and to square one. There's no going back...and who would want to? Forgive me if I seem to fall behind, or seem to leap ahead....that's only a misconception...a misperception... irrelevant. Doesn't matter if I'm on the train's first car or last....we still all reach the destination at the same time. We are one.

So....if you already aren't aware....there's this energy boiling up...pounding thick against our flesh....a turbulent growing force waiting to be unleashed...and it's building rapidly behind the flood gates..... can't you hear the rushing waves....
It's almost ready to burst forth.... prepare to harness the coming's going to be a big one... and I am excited and ecstatic and almost uncontainably able to patiently wait for its release.
I feel like laughing madly into the sky....because even if I can't describe it, I can feel it...and it's going to be grand! Don't bother holding on tight....we aren't meant to stay put with this's time to fly! WhEEEeeEEeeEEEeeEeeeEEEEEEeee!!!!!!

So besides the exciting news.....I also feel there may be something that has yet to reveal itself....feels like a secret you've been waiting to hear about or a solution to a major problem...or the final piece of the puzzle....feels like it's fixing to get known too.... like a surprise. I wonder what it could be....hmmmm. I shall keep you updated on that once I figure out what it is.

Book update.... I'm fixing to proof read everything. I think I'm done with Chapter 30.... and I want to write the epilogue after I proof read in case I forgot something... Should be done within a week...we hope! Then to name it, haha.... prep the formatting, and get it printed.... only to find 50 misspelled words or misprints after I get it in book form, lol. Of course.
Book 4 on the other hand will have to wait until I read this very interesting book.....

Sewing work, good. Working for other people job, good. And other than my neck pinching the crap out of me, I'm good-ish. I should probably go to sleep....but I'm gonna go proof read! YAY! Later!

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