Tuesday, November 27, 2018

I don't want to be your friend...

Somewhere in the world, something got pummeled.
Maybe it was the CME's from the sun or something else.
Whatever it was...
Please don't return.
I guess we'll find out on the news tomorrow... maybe... eh.
Freaking vibes like that are so uncool.
Uncool, yo. Very uncool.
Let's not next time, okay.
No one has time for such extreme energy fluctuations that have
absolutely zero reason to show their face.
And then go and make my brain try and figure out what the heck the problem is...
have you met my brain, yo!?
the thing gets input from at least 4 different dimensions.
and is highly imaginative....
only imaginative people can relate to what this mind is capable of.

It's similar to having an antenna (your body)
and a receiver (your brain)
a signal is coming in.... (energy from god knows where)
and your body is freaking out...
and your brain is trying to find the station that matches...to figure it out.
To solve what the energy is trying to say...
except it's all garbled and there's no exact channel...
and so it tries to find one close enough to the feeling you are getting...
and it tosses out guesses...  bad bad guesses.

Brain:  Hey, maybe this one... you totally are misunderstood and worthless!
Body: no yo, not that....
Energy: hardly...
Brain: maybe this one?? ... you suck, judgement, hate, etc etc etc!!
Body: no yo, stop trying to guess idiot...
Energy: No.
Brain: It's them... it's their fault, maybe they are feeling horrible, let's blame them!
Body: at least that's a better guess
Energy: No.
Brain... well fuck... where's all this fucking static coming from? Let's jump off the roof and die.
Body: WTF is wrong with you, chill out Brain.
Energy: Feel this!!!
Brain: oh please, why me????!!!!! Maybe it's a sun flare?
Body: *rolls eyes
Energy: ARRRGHHH!!!
Brain: we should meditate or play farm hero saga for a few hours.
Body: let's do that, both of those.
Energy: wait, what?
Brain: oh good... I think it's gone.
Body: I feel better... I think...
Energy: *numb
Brain: maybe someone I know died
Body: *pulls down curtains
Energy: I feel dead... ugh
Brain: can we not do that again... that sucked... we should watch the news...
Body: I feel completely wiped...that felt terrible.
Energy: *faceplants

Power surge of the not so friendly kind... ugh... 

about those...
 ... they are in progress...
I don't have work orders tomorrow, so going to chill...
and maybe get the youngest out of the house for a few hours.
Will work on at least one of these projects! FUN!

Daily dose of 10 things I love:
colors, bunches of colors
warm blankets
super tiny cute knicknacks

the dark
the forest
little houses

storms (the worse, the better)

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