Saturday, November 17, 2018

Thank you.... challenge much?

Dare for Nov 15th (yes, I know it's the 17th...but I'm waiting til the last minute yo...)
-- Write a Thank You note to 50 people. --
(do I even know 50 people?? what... sigh)

and what really is a thank you note?
Is it one of those lame things people write that all sound the same..?
because we are unavailable for lame shit.
We're only available for awesome. Even if others feel overpowered.
We're only available for deep. Even if others drown.
We're only available for real. Even if others are afraid of it.
We're only available for rich. Even if others can't handle the flavor.

Do we know 50 people...? It didn't say they had to be alive... awesome.
So here's this thing I'm doing because it shakes up that muck in the bottom of the ocean...
and you may not like it. and it may still come out lame sounding. and it might take awhile.
and perhaps those being thanked may not ever find this. and perhaps everything written will be construed into something entirely different than what was intended.... but that shit is life and it's all totally awesome for it to go down that way. I don't really give a fuck.
and nothing will be put in any order, because in my world there are six favorites...and I can guarantee you that one writes the shit, the other three never read it, and the other two aren't living in this dimension...sooooo.... no favorites for you.

Thank You to.....

1. Would it be lame to put Jesus first?  Like he's just a given... and anyway... I don't think of him as being separate from anyone else... so would this be considered lumping the spirit all into one? Like would the angels and gods and devils also be lumped into this? They all are rather fascinating. And I love them all. -- But if I were to go separate ways with this and do it the 'normal'' (hack hack! I almost choked on that word...) way... He's awesome. Thank you for making an appearance and ripping my threshold for reality into shreds. Because now I base everything on those moments and everything falls exceedingly short. And thanks for the knowing of what it feels like to be in your presence... and for knowing what it feels like to not be. Fuck yes to all of you.... all of us.

That was long, these will totally get shorter. I promise. Maybe we can do 10 a day or something...?

2. My very good friend. Yes, you will be second on my list because I love you. Thank you for never judging me the way I sometimes judge myself. Thank you for never shaming or guilting my mistakes. Thank you for berating me when stupid shit comes from my mouth or thoughts and setting me straight. Thank you for being the mountain and the gentle breeze.

3. My youngest. Thank you for being wiser than me. For correcting my bad parenting and showing me that silence and patience are strengths and not weaknesses. That there's deeper parts of the soul and life that I still haven't ventured to. Thank you for your unlimited outlooks and perceptions only the seers of the world could ever be a part of. And for your silent expressions you have mastered, because words were never your thing.

4. My oldest. Thank you for being the fire. The truthspeaker and blazing energy of forced compassion. For fighting against anything that disturbs you. For speaking out. For using your power for good. Thank you for letting me see there's vibrancy to passion and for teaching me that chaos is beautiful. And for your ability to converse clearly on most days. And for sharing the new hip lingo with me.

5. To the guy I live with. Thank you for letting me witness you. For agreeing to my accompaniment with you through this life. For being the solid tower and not fleeing or bending. Thank you for witnessing me. Thank you for your willingness to let everything fall away from you, except me. Thank you for your harshness and rudeness and struggles... for being real and not hiding. Thank you for allowing me to see every ounce of your soul. I fucking love you, asshole.

6. To myself for obvious reasons. See number one.

I'm going to skip around now randomly...cause patience, yo.

7. To ....this is fucking hard... I have stuff to say, but don't want to give any of it ...fuck... WHY KYLE!!!???
7. To Kyle Cease for making me do this fucking bitch ass challenge. I hate it, and I love that. Thank you for making me directly face the hard shit. Cause BraveAF, yo. And I'm no longer available for bullshit or weak ass scary shit.

8. Thank you to the lady that was playing the ukelele on the side of the road yesterday. You made me smile and say 'Fuck Yes! I love her!'. Cause BraveAF is a real thing and you embodied it.

9. Thank you to the guy who said I was an Atlantian. This has been a fun thing to toy around with. I'm thoroughly enjoying my new heritage.

10. To the guy that asked for the earrings when I used to work at Walgreens. I don't know who/what you are or why you were really there... but I compare all otherworldly meetings to your visit. Thank you for the high vibes I literately drowned in.

11. To the psychic ladies that once ate at Hardee's and were trying to read my mind. Thank you for letting me know I wasn't alone in the land of dumbass blind ignorant humans.

12. Thank you to my sister's friend Rachel. For telling us about the trolls. Whatever awakening was to be had was started because of you sharing.

13. To Aunt Gay. For getting me books every time I went somewhere with you. For having those big dolls that you set up in the yard every Christmas. For being creative and batty at the same time. For your dog Keyla. She used to walk me to the park and back and never got lost. And Patty too.... cause she liked to play all the time.

14. To my dad. Thank you for not being available. Thank you for beginning the long stretch of people who would come to avoid me. Thank you for being you. For putting yourself first (not many people do), as I love that. Thank you for teaching me the importance of having two parents. Thank you for giving up your spot to my very good friend.

15. Thank you Hayao Miyasaki. For showing me that magic and blood and awesomeness are allowed on the screen. That magic doesn't have to be hidden...and neither does violence...or love...or truth.

16. To the Pini's. For ElfQuest. For almost the same reasons as above. ^^ but thank you for giving me the definition of a family. Of a tribe. Of a home.

17. To all of the peeps who showed up after I did that third eye opening thing. Holy fuck. Thank you for all that/this shit.

18. Thank you to David for telling the world to go fuck itself. Thank you for never complying. For putting yourself first. For struggling and being okay with it. Thank you for teaching me to ride a bike. Thank you for showing everyone that all of life is a choice... and there's no wrong choices.

19. To Jodi for your optimism. For your defined moments of irritation and excitement. For getting easily annoyed and easily making it turn around in your favor. For not tolerating bullshit. For deciding what you want and doing it. Yes, yes to all of that.

20. To those homeschool people I used to know. Thank you for showing me how fake and shallow people can be. Thank you for being cliche clones and helping me pinpoint every other clone on earth. Thank you for saying one thing but not living it, even if it was for your christ. Thank you for being an obstacle that I gained strength from.

is that enough for now? fuck yes it is...   but I'm on a roll...

21. To mom. Thank you for humoring my outlooks and inspiring daredevil type perceptions. Thank you for recognizing bullshit when it comes. Thank you for ordering those scholastic books every month in school. Thank you for taking me out of that horrid place. Thank you for getting mad at them when they started doing dumb shit. It's great when you're mad, your power lives there.

22. Thank you to Steven for letting me hang out with you when we were kids. For doing that abrupt sigh when people ask for things, it lets them know you are giving in. For being a pushover and going with the flow for as long as you can. For resisting struggle. For slowly letting yourself be seen and heard. For doing weird stupid shit, cause it's funny.

23. To Judy. For being funny. For being sarcastic. For being quick witted and a smartass. Thank you for brushing everything that offends you off your shoulder like crumbs. For being a boss at tolerating others. Thank you for giving everyone permission to embarrass themselves.

24. To Ricky. For your ability to stay least until your bored with it. For pretending to be brave in front of people. For being honest with yourself in what you want. Thank you for giving me your Elfquest books....uhhh... unless you didn't and I just never gave them back...hmmm... Thank you for being funny at 3am and for always stacking my toys in sexual positions. For being annoying. For being chaotic. I feel you.

25. To Tony. Cause your cool. Thank you for playing mind games with people, it's fun. Thank you for being a smartass. And for being that silent, patient person that knows more than they want to.

26. To Andrea. For putting up with Steven. For doing what is right even when it sucks. For charging head on at anything that disturbs you. For being BoldAF and not shying away from bullshit. For your effort to create and to move yourself forward regardless.

27. Thank you Eric. For being a friend at one time. For not judging my weirdness. For always thinking I was cool. For not arguing with me almost never. Thank you for stepping away when you did...I probably made you, huh? Anyway, thank you for being my first and last friend.

28. To Don... for being annoying. Thank you for ignoring all other outside input except for your own. For taking care of mom. For being curious and always up for learning. For being stubborn.

29. To Uncle Lee. For always making me laugh when you tried to catch me as I passed your big chair.

30. To Tutu. For being you. Thank you for being terrified of hamsters, it was funny. For being witchy, cause we all need a bit of magic.

Um.... here's where we start to run out of people... I fucking hate people.

31. To Jason, for giving and giving. Thank you for helping us pay for things when we were brokeAF. For being supportive. For looking out for others before yourself.

32. To Dale? Thank you for being weird. For being passionate about weird stuff. I like that.

33. To Renee. Thank you for being sparkly and oozing with joyful goodness. For being so calm and clumsy. And for your neat ways of getting others to do things for you.

why the fuck do I only know family... this sucks... I'm so alone, lol. In a good way.

34. To the people who make snickers bars. These are so fucking good, especially if you haven't had one in a long time.

35. Krispie Kreme donuts... thank you for those delicacies of delight.

36. To Mercuriel for being patient. For never showing any sign of weariness. For handling things like a boss.

37. To the council. Thank you for finding me entertaining and/or fascinating. For usually voting for me versus against me.

38. Thank you to ShadowDragon Dreams. For giving me an outlet and challenge. For being one of those inspired things I didn't ever have to chase. Thank you for tapping out and topping out. Thank you for being okay with me retiring too.

39. Angel of MidKnight. Having multiple lives is so much better than just having this one. And yeah, there's more than just that world.

40. Killian O'Malley. Thank you for your soft crudeness. For your humor and vileness. For your honesty and lies.

this is boring... almost done now, sooo...

41.uuuuuuhhhhh.... the word fuck. Both verb and noun and adjective.
42. to astral projection... weird.
43. empath abilities. thanks for fucking me over until I figured out what you were.
44. to the four seraphim. If I were afraid of anything, it'd be you.
45. to weird things I see out of the corner of my eye. thanks for making me feel crazy.
46. to the universe. obvious reasons. see number one.
47. to ufos. Thank you for not letting me see any for the past few years. I'm ready again. Let's go.
48. to solar eclipses. the most amazing thing ever.
49. to the moon. because heavenly thrones belong to the chosen
50. to heaven. and being the witness of this world while we dwell among you. see number one.
51. to life. to death. to the light. to the dark. and all of us inbetween.

fuck sakes, finally. I probably forgot people, but I don't care. Like speilberg, or studio ghibli, or other people I should be thanking for buying a script from me in the future. Disney, Pixar.?? Warner bros... blumhouse? Lionsgate? paramount?

ugh, dinner. I did the 50 so there you have it. marking this as complete.

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