Monday, December 24, 2018

New antennas pick up better signals.


   "We were a part of the ocean. Where the waves could not reach, but where the city could be seen from the distant land. Here we thrived while the outer lands struggled to understand what gifts we held. We helped them, oh we helped them often. With knowledge, with the means to build, to travel, to heal. We helped them. However... we found ourselves becoming responsible for the others. For they no longer relied upon themselves, but came to us for every need. They wouldn't, they couldn't look within for the answers they sought. We had become their only source of wisdom and they no longer were able to see or find it within themselves. They began to see us as gods, and even as we tried to show them their own strengths, they would not listen. Their ears were covered from the truth and their eyes were blinded from their own greatness.
  We would begin to turn them away, the others who traveled from far away lands. We began to seal our entrance and keep our thriving splendors to ourselves, hiding them from view. But they would continue to plead to us, offering even their children in exchange for a piece of our tokens. We knew that our time living freely and abundantly was nearing the final turn.
   It was us who destroyed our city. It was us, who caused it to be swallowed by the sea. To hide it from their eyes. To spare them from becoming slaves to another, while being able to become their own gods. Our people scattered themselves into the distant lands, masking who we were, refraining from showing the knowledge we held. This was the agreement. This was to save ourselves and to save the others. To set the balance rightly so as we both would be whole.
   With time, some of us would share the things we knew, some greeted with awe and inspiration, while others cast out and forsaken. Testing where their perceptions lay. Testing, until the time arose where we could share even more. Testing, until our people would be able to reunite.
   We have not vanished, nor are we forgotten. We thrive among the lands. A people, among the people.
   It was our bearing and upholding of the world that brought about the suffering. Like Atlas. One trying to hold up the other so to become whole. But nay. As a complete union, we are all complete. Each a whole. Each complete. No one is a piece of a whole. No one people is a piece of the universe. Nor one world. We are all each complete upon ourselves. Like Atom. Like Eva."


So that was fun...
Let's go with it!


There was a discovery as well.
One about the way things come and the way they are blocked.
And the way a possible great thing is turned away or held at bay, due to an inner limitation.
The way the mind wants to own it and analyze it. The way it doesn't trust.
The way it still yells out after being severed.
Screaming loud enough to say whatever it must to survive.
Hoping to be rescued and tied back on. Almost begging.
Oh, dear thoughts... if there were a fear of death in me, perhaps your pleas might be heeded...
but alas. Death is only rebirth in this kingdom, so it is welcomed with honors.
The echoes... To hear them... but not feel them. This liberation.

And the programming is bugging out... leaving an error message across the screen.
There will be no more updates from that outdated program.
In fact, deleting the application and rebooting may be necessary.
This is not a compatible operating system for that software.

that's it for today.
Tomorrow's Christmas!

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