Monday, May 20, 2019

Ugh-ies are growing everywhere

Around and around in a circle.
never moving forward.
not even being centered.

what is the point of even speaking if all of it is for naught
all of it irrelevant to the now, or even to the future
the past would be understandable if you still needed it...
theoretical speech is obsolete and could never feed the desires of today.
or tomorrow...

shall we continue this dance of circles until we become dizzy and fall
that's not what I'm here for.
let's walk instead.
or even be still in the moment.

it's all we ever really have.


I know your being... ego or otherwise... wants to express itself.
wants others to meet you at your perspective
wants to be seen, be heard, be understood

but there are far too many words
and my attention is not based in illusion
it wants life, it wants the now.
it would even tolerate the tomorrows...the soon to come tomorrows...

I see you, I hear you...
but lo, I can't stay here

It's a wonder.... how often I rephrase these words to help them move forward
in some sort of sensible pattern, but also maintain an awareness about them.
Often times refraining from using "I"... and even more unlikely "me".
as, what are those connotations anyway?
Is it the "I" of the soul or of the mind?
The "me" never the least not in most cases.
There isn't a way to define such, only watching as they appear on the page.
and the watcher... sometimes the only one present... even if a program plays.

but let's not make these words hard for any of you
let's spill them out carelessly and eagerly
which is very far from being less wreck-ful
let's watch and see what arrives....
are these words simpler? perhaps, perhaps not.
maybe see where the attention goes and whether or not it will be reigned in.
   but is there a topic of interest?
   something to grab hold of and shake up?
  a trigger?!
alas... only a slight disappointment in humanity and the lack of inspiring people.
most only slinging their pain to and fro... or casting darkness on their paths...
 uhhh... complaining and being negative... in simpler terms, but completely less classy.
but mostly... sad ugh-ness and they could use a good strangle to make them come alive..
let's dub the cashiers at the store as sad "Ugh-ies".
like mopey depressed boots... and they need a good kick in the ass.

what is simple?
rum on the beach?
pirate bounty?

what is simple?

nothing is showing up...
other than globs of sludge....
what is this?

I go to investigate.

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