Monday, November 6, 2023

Working the soil is not the same as working the soul

 It's been day 5 of shoveling mulch dirt.
About 33 truck loads so far, filled and emptied... and why does it seem emptying it is harder, even if it's a tad bit faster...
Still have another 2 days to go... and maybe arms will forget what they've done today and be refreshed to do it again tomorrow.

I'll need to pull out me master gardener card for next spring and actually know what to do.
Which also means I will not be consulting google or the back of the seed packets...or anything of the sort.
Intuitive stuff works better...
and there's times and often all the times...when your own inner guidance and knowledge will show up when it's needed...and you can actually stop relying on shit information on the internet, books, or people.
You can totally ask those who play Jeopardy with me, how well guessing works out for me.

All this mulch was free.
Another one of those recent waterfalls of abundance that happened to end up my way.
And maybe we are growing a garden here.
Not necessarily the plants next spring, but a garden of abundance.
These things that have been given.
These blessings of hidden and surprising instances.
The forethoughts and preparations for things handed out like candy on Halloween.
But there's all treats and the trick isn't really a trick.

Yeah, we have to move this dirt from the front to the back..
but even in that, we are earning a billion and one exercise points, warm weather to grace us this week, and a few bruises and scratches and blisters.
And we got to spend time together (?) at least that's what I'm calling it.
Dirt that makes us grow strong and resilient.
A garden full of appreciation, love, consideration, connection.
Embodiment of our discipline and character.
Richness and health of the earth we live upon, live in, within our bodies.

and maybe I just want to say how much I love the hubs for all that he does
supporting this chaos and nonsense and surprise avalanches of gifts

and maybe a pre rescue from the up and coming apocalypse we are all waiting for...why not, eh

dirt does a body good.
and grows a soul too.

____and while we are on that subject... it's like growing that forest of yourself...
but it's grown and rich and luscious and soon the rain will come and we can rest in that dense canopy and undergrowth and fell complete and safe and carried and loved and honored and provided for...
Of which we always are.


Book 8 is about gonna drown me if it doesn't come out soon...and I'm literately waiting for a sentence to hit my know, the first sentence...that's all I need.
and I'm reading book 7 to remember what all I started and ended at, lol.
Soon! Cause it's drilling my mind and replaying scenes and I need to bleed it out.

Green trees photo – Free Forest Image on Unsplash

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