Sunday, November 13, 2011

Water the soil.....choke on the meat...swallow it..c'mon, you can do it.

So, Hobby Lobby is slowly turning into a 'cheapy, "this store is for untalented people and we no longer carry the REAL supplies, only prepackaged crap for lazy stupid people who lack talent or intelligence"' as I went Saturady to find they no longer carry real screen printing supplies that they used to (I know because I considered buying them before!) but now it's only in these cheap walmart art packages for dummies... ugh.
So that means I had to order the stuff for my yudu...damn it, shipping better hurry the heck up!
Anyway, I also want to point out that besides their assortment of solid colored fabrics, I do not think they know what real fabric is...they should really carry Michael Miller ta dot prints, so I's can be happy...
That or someone can give me $1000 so I can put in my first order with the supplier myself, yeah, that'd be great. As we are broke and I have no money :( shit is expensive.
Things need fixed. Food needs bought. And well....we have enough to pay bills and eat, and just barely enough for gas.... so $100 for polka dot fabric (no matter how awesome) just ain't gonna happen anytime soon. Maybe next that's probably gonna be when I get my camera too...cause my paypal account is sad lookin' and black Friday is less than 2 weeks away. yikes... let's see...roller derby stuff or camera.... hard

So. What else is new beside Hobby Lobby's betrayal.......
I'm almost done with chapter 13 in Book 2!!! sweet! I love my people.
The wind was a killer today! Awesome and nothing fell on the house.
I got to take a nap on hubby, awwww...
I got a huge package of heirloom seeds in the mail....yum...but they will have to wait to be planted when I have somewhere to plant them...even though I don;t eat half of what they are....ya know what, I don;t even think I know what some of them are, lol.
My order list is half of what it was 2 days ago. (but I will not be deceived into thinking there is a light at the end of the tunnel...we all know it is the train coming the other way!) I seriously never get a damn break. (and writing lame blog posts and browsing youtube does not freakin' count!)..neither does roller derby.
I'm sad that some of my friends (look at that <---- I said 'friends') are having difficulties with family health and just neverending issues and I pray they all get a break from it soon. I hate seeing people be sad...that's my job. :(
Anyway, besides knowing there's still people out there that think I am the devil and going to hell, I want to say that yes....I would go to hell to save those dumbasses down there and prove to them that God is forgiving...even to them...and I'll be sure to get Satan to repent as well. Because God's love stretches beyond any boundary you place upon the hearts of others and certainly Jesus wouldn't be contained in the boundaries you have set upon your own hearts. And yeah, I do know Jesus.....and He says He loves you, even if you have failed to know Him the way He has revealed Himself, even if you fail to see Him within others, or within yourself. Even if you have denied Him....He loves you still. There's still see, to be....but it's your choice how you want to spend it.

Wah wah wah...boring, let's get into something funner than lame-o preaching about Jesus, when I can sit hear and scare the begeesus out of you! Haha! Want to know what that means....I bet you do...
Once upon a time, I went to a church...yes I did.
But this church was bible school class (it was lame!) they talked about the football score and read from those stupid ass little booklets that are as lame as those Awake booklets (if you ever read them anyway). Anyway so they would read from the books and talk about football or the party they were planning for their congregation and blah blah blah me, us we, my, mine, us, we, ours, blah blah was all about them.... anyway, one Sunday (day of the SUN! whoo hoo education!) we were listening to the preacher guy talking about the regular same 'ol baby milk from the bottle scripture stuff...and I just wanted to me and my awesome self looked over to my left and there was Jesus sitting a few spaces next to me. And I asked Him, what I was doing here? He said..."To see how they are.". And I asked why? This is boring and stupid...(yes, I do not fear talking to Him using modern english, He laughs at me sometimes..)anyway, He says "To teach those that they cannot."...
So I noticed how they were feeding these grown adults all this milk in o'bottle shit about how great Jesus is and how great it will be when you get to heaven and how great it will be when you step into your father's kingdom...and I kinda got really really dismayed to the point someone would burn me at the stake had I not bit my tongue...(yes, I do kinda worry about that still sometimes) anyway...the point being that you adults who find yourselves lingering this far down on my lame blog post about imperfection are going to get a wake the fuck up call tomorrow. or today, idk.
Get off the milk you sappy ass babies who think heaven is so far away and your papa left you here to struggle and cry and whine like little pansy ass toddlers who can't hold there effing spoons.....or who shoove moosh in their fat faces all day that they can't even see that your Father is not in some distant land of happiness and joy and that Home is somewhere in the damn sky and your daddy is gonna wipe your ass for you all the days of your life! UGH... why do you think you were ever apart from Him??!!! WHY!!!? Maybe it's just some of you, I don't know.
WHY do you keep stuffing your faces full of baby milk (lame bible stuff) when you should be standing on your feet and praising His name by doing the work that He has set before you. That doesn't mean to open your mouth and shout means to open your hearts and show it (obviously!!) WHY aren't you eating MEAT? (not real meat, but fearlessness) MEAT that says you are His Temple...YOU are HIS Glory, YOU are HIS light....YOU are HIS LIFE....and HE is YOURS....
but no...go to church and play games with your buddies who want to make more money for your church and your churches pot luck and your churches family's but do not consider the family that lives next door...
Go drink your milk and pray your father comes for you oneday...because my Father is already here...and He is crying because of YOU. >:(
Pray your heaven calls you home and doesn't forget you....because I live at home...and it is Heaven...and Jesus lives here. You are just too blind to see anything other than the barriers you have placed upon your own hearts. and I am so so so so dismayed at your peril...
Drop everything you know...every damn thing you've read or heard or thought about God...everything!!! Drop every thought of God, every thought of Jesus and let it go like the wind takes away the ashes...let it all go....and when you are done, find what is left in your heart and you will see the Lord...and you will know His name, and you will see His face and everything you ever knew and ever will know will be nothing compared to what you will behold....and every breath, every heartbeat, every will make you see that letting go of yourself, and your ideas, and your bricks....was covering that which you always had...Him.

Like that?...I did...:)
Did it taste bitter? I hope so...
Is it hard to chew? Indeed...but meat is always that way...and it's only the fear that keeps you from growing. Fear of letting your ideals go, fear of losing what you think you know... Fear of thinking that He will leave you if you let Him go...let me tell you something...Letting Him go, doesn't make Him leave, it brings Him in closer to your heart until He consumes it...and when He consumes it, everything you see will be in love....
oh...but then you will be persecuted and people will crucify you (or threaten to burn you at the stake for proclaiming the Jesus is Lord on your stupid blog!!!)be warned. They will throw their stones. They will set forth giants after you. They will set traps and deny you their hearts. They will twist your words and make them turn against you. They will demand that you explain your actions...but they can only hear what you say if you feed them they are just children....who can't and won't even taste the meat...their hearts are hard and their souls are locked away under the wall of bricks that they have built to protect their ideals and their thoughts....they rely on their own thinking...they rely on the thinking of their church and their colleges...they cannot hear their father's words....for he speaks with meat....but they choke on it and spit it out as if they are turning their backs on Him....stop feeding them milk...and eventually they will swallow the meat and realize they have grown stronger nd it is satisfying and they will know the Father, the Son, and the Sprirt will move in them ...awaken from it's long slumber, now nourished with power and strength...and God's Kingdom will be known.....

Ah...screw it...I talk too much and no one freakin gets it....sorry for wasting your time.

Much love, my everlasting bobble heads of hydration gel and fertilizer. Much love, friends.

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