Friday, November 4, 2011

Thankful for the rises and the falls

Let me tell you's a secret, but it's all I can think up to write about :)
I am thankful. Not only for God and all His wonderful unique abilities to reveal weirded out things to me and leave me smiling, or the fact that I feel indestructible...but I am thankful for a wonderful family. My hubby whom was an answered prayer and he's awesome in his ability to provide for our family and for other stupid things I may want..and his unending patience with dealing with a happy crazy person like me for the last 12 or so years...but because he is still handsome too.
My kids who I am very thankful that they are moral and are able to clean up after themselves most of the time. That they are respectful most of the time, and that they don't complain when we skip schoolwork...or that sometimes I have to work more often during this season than the summer.
I am thankful for our heater in our house, because my body simply does not function correctly when I get cold. I am thankful for hot running water (yes, I know it's laced with chlorine and contaminates and not fit to drink) but it's hot and you can stand under the shower for over 20 minutes without doing anything but enjoying that hot water....and yes, I am thankful for our hot water heater as well....and hubby for not complaining that I waste water too much.
I am thankful that even though I have $32 in our bank account and -$500 in my paypal account, that I still manage to find myself with internet access and hot coffee every morning and evening....and a pack of Twizzlers on top of the microwave.
I am thankful that I am part of a most excellent roller derby team full of unique outstanding people, each with talents and challenges that make mine seem like nothing. I can't wait to start hitting them, lol.... yes really, but only in fun :) I love them all.
I am thankful for my pets too, because they really need me. My cats cause disasters and little inconveniences that make my own 'real' problems disappear for the time when I am having to clean up their messes, and I can spoil them without much cost other than my back when I am having to hold Prince Vaughn for extended amounts of time, because he's a momma's boy, and likes to be held while he's napping...and I let him get away with it most of the time, lol. Bubbles likes to sleep on our pillow at night and be petted constantly, and Foxy, well, she meows alot, but doesn't seem to know how to 'send' messages about what she wants very's hard to figure her out. Snips the gerbil is just plain awesome. Isaac is obedient and sweet, and our new pup Coraline is full of potential! Once her housebreaking is complete that is....
There is much much more to add to this list, but I could go on all day and still wouldn't be done, so in an effort not to bore you with my happy happy lala land of joyfulness, I will spare you the rest.

What else.....oh!! I just got a new toy in the mail that makes stuff (embroidery machine) and I'm still trying to figure it out...but am seriously considering turning the now storage room (future bathroom) into my sewing room and my present sewing room into the future bathroom instead.... mainly since the machine needs to hook up to my computer and the usb cord is only 4 ft computer is 30ft away from my sewing room, but if I moved it to the storage room (future bathroom), I could run a hold through the wall and the machine will only be like 3 ft away.....but I would need a floor in there first (after it is cleaned out)..but the bathroom if I moved it would be more finished than it is now, lol. Decisions decisions....oh, and I would have to take out the small bathroom window and put 2 larger windows...which really isn't so bad, but I have to have my sunlight. I can't function without it.
Anyway. let's not talk about work, because I have to go do that here in a little bit....and I want to procrastinate a bit longer without thinking about how much I have to do on my list today...spare me.

Whoops, found myself on youtube, again....guess I'm done here...see what multi-tasking does to you, haha! See you mighty fighting parasailors later, fly in the wind and hope for a better day, because the fall is coming....

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