Friday, October 28, 2011

boring, don't bother.

Well, what's up my lovelies?
Let's tell you what's up here in my little world....
I got a brand new pair of roller skates!!! And they fit this time, lol. And have cool blue wheels, and today hubby made little leather thingies on them to try and keep from scuffing them up while playing roller derby. SoI can't wait till I get to go skating again....which unfortunately next Thursday instead of Monday, but that's okay, because Monday night I am going trick or treating....ahem...I mean I am taking the kids trick or treating....yeah...taking them, lol.
Not like I can eat half that candy anyway. And truthfully neither will they, because we have the nice Halloween Fairy that comes and takes all the candy away except for the 20 pieces they get to keep...and of course she leaves a non edible item for other words, hubby's work buddies get to have treats because he brings the bag full there, where it gets empties in less than a day. We really trick or treat for the simple point of dressing up and seeing all the fancy houses and yards in that nice richy neighborhood where we go every year, lol. But I consider it safe since there's oh about 300 other kids that will be roaming the streets along with us, so I deem it non threatening.... sorta like those church trunk or treat thingies they swiftly call something non spooky like fall festivals and such...but occasinally there is one maybe two that actually are cool, but the other ten or so just have that spooky weird feeling like it's all a cult thing...and really odd...but once at one of those odd feeling 'trunk or treat' church things...I did get a laugh when someone was dressed up as a nun (mind you this was a baptist church, lol) I thought the costume was cool. But after trying to figure out why everyone was dressed up as people from biblical times and why they had a snake wrapped around a faky tree with apples on it.... I saw a group of women (they gave me a bad felling, not sure why) but they all walked through the crowd and were heading inside where they were going to do a play or something. Something about their demeanor or body language, idk, but it was weird... we left after that because it sucked (we were only there to bide time until hitting up the nice neighborhood)
Anyway, my new thing is that churches are cults. Yep, all of them, (and yes, I know not all of them are, but I am going to say they are...because you all need to be aware that sin has manifested itself in all the places you think are safe and happy...) You won;t find God there among those who hide themselves in sheep's'll only find Him out and about doing His work....
And where is that, you ask? Inside you....inside me, inside us all who are His.
Not in a building trying to figure out how to make it's congrgation richer, or how to make money to fix the plumbing, or how to bring more people to church to get more tithes to pay the electric is out there helping His neighbor fix their truck...He is out there lending an ear to someone who feels alone...He is out there cooking dinner for a family of seven. He is out there...and among His people....and if you can't find Him, you are not where you should be.....
He put you in the place you need to be, why do you continue to go out and search for Him, when He is in you and where you are He is also....and what you do, He does too....and when you see a need, fill that need....because even if you think you can't....He will give you the means to fill it in some way. He will place it under you, but only after you thank Him for giving you the honor of such an easy task. because it has always been under just keep looking down, instead of up.

Ooh boy, let's get off that subject....
So anyway....I bought a nice fancy embroidery machine...and I can't freaking wait to get it in!!! So excited!!
And we found Toothless a home, which is great, because we can still see him grow up :) like his sister, and I know he'll have bunches of fun terrorizing his new family! :)
And if I happen across another 'something' that needs help, I can take that responsibility someone else decided they didn't want...and hubby won't freak out. :) It's all good.

Do you know what else is good?
haha...lots of things, but I just remembered know that dream I told you about with the red in the sky and then it turned into a storm?....well, do you realize that the freaking Northern Lights just appeared in the south a few days ago! Yes, I missed them, but they were all the way down to AK, and TN, and KY and I think TX too!! But they were also RED!!! wow, now that's cool....too bad I didn't get to see them, but still...awesome... (lol, which in my dream I thought it was awesome at first too....until the huge storm started forming...that wasn't cool after that...) anyway...just keep your eyes and ears open...cause things are going down....and that second full moon in my other dream will be on Nov. 10th...and they are doing that stupid Crystal skull thingy on the 11th...which may also be the same day the NWO blows up the Hoover dam...and crap (yes, I do watch too much youtube, lol...and no, I don;t really believe it, but it's fun to mess around with) anyway...just letting you know, cause it's interesting....I would say cool...but in my dreams I thought things were cool until bad things came...not cool.
So anyway....I heard, that the elite military is on high alert for the week of the 11th as well? and why though? and why is the gov. shutting down all the radio and tv to do a 'test'??
Whatever, fun to mess with, but don;t expect anything 'cool' to happen...
it never does...

Though I did see a ufo before...and it was 'cool' AFTER I high tailed my ass out of there, lol.

So....what else...hmmm....ummm...nothing I guess...that sucks. Off to go do something funner. bye my lovely wondrous super cats with capes of flames and whiskers or bright sunshine fairy dust!!whoo!

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