Tuesday, October 18, 2011

the rainbows have turned very dark...and the storm is close at hand....

Oh God....let me tell you something...not God...but you blessed readers who have made it thus far and still manage to read this craptastic blog of mine...
Today, unfortunatly....I watched a video on youtube...the one about the little toddler that got ran over by a van and 18 passersby just simply did that...passed her by while she was bleeding on the street... let me tell you how sick that is, and please don;t watch it, but if you must, search under 'hit and run toddler china' it's there....sick.
Anyway, that wasn't even as horrible as some other video which I accidentally clicked on about a little boy getting beaten because he was different....bad bad bad......and if I was there and had a weapon I would kill every last sick human who just stood there and watched...please do not watch it.
It was in another country..and thankfully I do not live there or will go there, but we all know things like that could happen here, really haven't you seen the 'What would you do' shows on 20/20 I think....it does happen here...whether it be neglect or abuse or just plain out sick stuff.

I don;t know how in heaven God puts up with people like that....or if you must lump us together, any of us. Even one sick thing like those videos would be enough for me to just burn the world up and wipe my hands of it...all of it.
Thankfully I do not have that job...because we all would have died today...or at least the really bad people....and the neglectful people..and the hateful people...and the sick people...and the people who just did nothing.....sick sick sick.

Our world is sick....and we can't do anything about it.....please get us out of here. Amen.

Oh, on another note...since we can only hope and make up random things to keep our mind off the fact that sin is alive....let's elaborate...
so the sign in Virgo that happened on the 30th of Oct...if you go 40 days after, it would be the 9th and 10th of Nov.....on the 9th Saturn leaves Virgo (and who is Saturn) oh just the guy with a sickle ;) and the Sun in in Libra (the scales/judgement thingies) Mercury/Venus/Mars are aligned just like the 3 pyramids in Egypt as well (and forms a cross within the planet alignments!)....And asteroid YU55 crosses between earth and the moon at midnight! (actually makes a cross in the alignment too) And it's a full moon! And if you know anything about the Illuminati 11-11-11 is a big deal.....and the hoover dam might rupture (because it shows it on the money! just like the twin towers burning it showed on the money before it ever happened!!!...and the water coming over buildings too is on the money) and all the other stuff that is right around then happening!! Now the point is why all of this all of a sudden? why?
Not even mentioning that my dream of the 2 moons would be on the next full moon, which is in November too on the 10th...hmmm, then the 11th is just after and if that had any connection with the alien ship and the people screaming......that would be ummm awesome...but bad and scary.
Anyway...we all know nothing cool ever happens, so don;t worry about it...just go to work and pay your bills and pretend the world is a happy place with rainbows and snowcones full of blue raspberry juice!

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