Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I like to dance in the darkkkk because it's embarassing to let people see me do it, lol!

Baby likes to dance in the dark, cause when he's looking she falls apart...

hahahaha.... I feel like laughing and crying...someone save me...

Well....I'm glad because we have a roller derby team here in Dunlap!! Sweet! Can't wait to get to skate and meet all our new players!
I'm glad because I am getting the kids to do their own schoolwork today and they are almost done without complaint or blood, awesomeness.
I am glad because yesterday I got the most coolest boots and sweater in the mail from buckle.com...omg, I hope it gets cold (yeah, I hate cold, but I want to wear my goodies!)
I'm glad because I will not be buying any more fabric unless someone orders a custom...I am done fabric shopping for others.
I am glad that whatever money is actually in my paypal account (not much mind you) is just the beginning to my saving challenge to buy my fancy ass dslr camera kit...hell yes!
I am glad because after December 15th ..... I can choose never to sew another set in my life.
I am glad because I just am.

Now, I am not glad about the fact that Hancock's and Joann's have the worst selection of fabrics I have ever seen in my life. I am disappointed that they have so much of absolutely nothing. and the way they organize fabric cutting at Joann's it just rude and stupid. I will never set foot in that store again. I am sad that the top fabric designers are left out of the public's eye and are hidden because the fabric stores would rather sell crap fabric that doesn't match for $10 a yard, than offer amazing prints that match and are happy for $8 a yard...assholes.
If I had the money I would buy a fabric store and would put your sorry asses out of business. I promise you that....luckily for you I am not rich. Just wait.

I am not glad that I have completely failed at getting anything done today except breakfast, lunch, and a leftover sale posted to facebook. I suck.
I am not glad that I think it's important to actually accomplish something....really need to wipe that thought from my head...I know it's okay to just not do things sometimes.

I am not glad I still have much work to do....that doesn't include sewing orders...but footwork and emails and co-ordinance, and house work, and just stuff in general.
I am not glad that I don;t have any good 'angle' pics for camera club tonight....sigh...oh well...

I think there's a good lesson in the practice of killing your own thoughts. thoughts that say things like 'you're doing it wrong' or that's not the right way' or 'He can't hear you when you talk like that' or 'since you don;t feel heard, means you have to call His name twice'....bullshit stuff. I know you have no idea what I am saying, you can always ask. But the lesson is not listening to yourself because you know nothing at all, and all the thoughts that are like that are not you at all...and they certainly are not Him.
I am sad because at some places in your life, there is a wavelength between you and Him and it is ever burning in it's electricity and consuming closeness.....and sometimes it's on the other wavelength, like that tide going out...and you feel disconnected...and your quite, and He's quiet...and you feel forgotten or set aside for later...
I love Him. And love is not enough....when you see His face...and you are lifted and carried in His arms....and you hear His voice...love will never be enough ever again. Be thankful for what He has given you...because it only hurts when He gives you so much more that the love alone can never be enough again. Be thankful He spared you from His glory.

Okay, too deep, I'm sorry.
So...what else do you want to hear about....a rant...did that, a lesson, did that...hmmm. Mr. OMG, INCREDIBLE....I think he's on vacation, I can't seem to find him. bummer. No incredible stories today...boo.

How about the apocalypse....now that's interesting, but I'm sad to think it will never happen. bummer. But my thoughts are that Elenin was a messenger to wake people up...and YU55...not sure, but if it's blue...hmmmm... November 9th (ELEven NINe) will only tell. which also happens to be 40 days after the sign in Virgo....alrighty then. Something is weird, but no bad dreams lately so we are cool.

We may go see Frankenstein at the kids theater this Friday and the zoo on Saturday since it's free. That'd be nice, and if it's not super cold or raining, go hiking (photoshoot!) on Sunday.
Anything but stay home and sew even though I should....lol.

I;d best get going to try and think about getting up off the computer and get something kinda sorta closer to being done so I don;t feel like a complete loser....

"Whosoever would lose their life for My sake, shall find it."

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