Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Take a shower next time....

Let me tell you how awesome roller derby is...
(((( ------------------------------------------------THIS AWESOME!!!!-----------------------------------))))
I have missed skating, and even though it will be awhile before we are actually pummeling each other, it's okay :) I don;t like getting hurt that much, lol. We have a great team and one day we will be rocking it out on the skate floor to Darth Vadar's theme song! After all, we are the Dunlap Darksiders!!! Whoo!

So let me tell you about a rant I wanted to write about yesterday but didn't get a chance to.....It's about this rare thing called responsibility....
So you know about the 2 kittens we picked up from the park that someone had dumped there (because they lack responsibility, either for not spaying or for taking initiative to find them homes!) Well, we have just the one left to rehome.
So the neighbor's kid asks if she could have it....and me being responsible says no.... not that she would be the responsible party, but that every single pet they get is half starved!! Not to mention the kittens they bring to their house at least twice a year end up living under the house and turning feral. Every single one. So I say no, not only because of that main point that they can't and don;t take care of them, but in reality the kids are only there on the weekends anyway. So I say no....I'm not going to rescue a kitten and then see him neglected and dumped off somewhere else.
A little while later...guess what....the neighbors kid asks to borrow some cat food for her kitten they have over at their house...I'm like WTF!? No I didn't say that, but I was like what!? See what I mean, they go get something they only tend to the first day and bring it home with no food.....WTF!!! Me, being understandably frustrated and angry says no. For one reason is even though I would love to help the actual kitten, it is not my responsibility to give away food to someone else who refuses to take that responsibility....omg...
Then I had this realization....... say for instance the world economy goes to shit... food is restricted... things are really tough and hard.... and us, here at home with my small yet dependable stockpile of food and bottled water, and bullets, and firewood... all the irresponsible people will come out... they will ask for favors...they will plea for help...and here I will be saying no...
This troubles me, because I would like to help, but I can't risk my family's sake for any of theirs...
it's like the ants and the grasshoppers.... and it sucks, but we can't take responsibility for those who refuse to take responsibility for themselves....

I seriously can't wait to get off this craphole of hell. To be reaped and separated form the dumbass weeds. I don;t care if you think I am being cynical or rude, or mean, or hateful, I don;t give a shit what you think.....the point is that there are people everywhere that are so blinded and deaf and dumb, that they can't do things for themselves.... I would argue that it would be our (the awakened) responsibility to teach them, but being so few.... it cannot be done alone.... and I feel alone. No one speaks up, no one calls out, no one reveals themselves....and it makes me sick to think that ones who are of God hide Him from the world...because of their fear, either fear of strangers, or fear of their brethren.

We'll leave it at that before I go too deep and drown you and your weak souls in the depths of reality.

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