Wednesday, January 18, 2012

You're the devil in disguise....

Where would we be in the world without
██████ ███!! It would █████ suck ███!
Do you realize how many ██████ coma inducing ████ ██████ inspirations that have been born from ██████ uncensored things that these ████ eyes have seen!! ███!! I would ██████ die!
I am against being censured.... even when I say ██████ or ████ or even █████ or ██████ ...or ███ even ██████ too!


Photobucket you know what I said? It wasn't anything bad....there you go know what they say about assuming...and lies, and drama, and oh what's it called....hmmm...oh yeah, judging.
Oh wait, you probably don;t know...because there are people out there who do it all the ████ time, even when they put on the persona that they are against it.
If you don;t like it, turn your eyes away, or do something about it to change it.
But the water....
If you try to stop the negative ripples with a negative reaction, more negativity churns the water and we all fall down.
To end the negative, you must put out positive waves to counteract the negative....good overcomes evil.
Just sayin..... even though there's just too many ██████ people in the world and I can't ████ tell them all myself.And many of them are ██████ ████.

Can you tell I like that fancy black box, lol.

And you know...if the internet gets censured.... at least more people will get to actually speak their mind in public ;)... it's all good. other worlds....I have 7 sets left to sew until I;m finished...for now....whatever, I don't ████ care, lol.

Oh...I was just telling hubby...but I have to write it to you, cause it's really awesome how I can talk to him like I want to talk to you, lol. He's my buddy and doesn't freak out when I say weird ████...and he nods even though he has no clue what I am really saying, lol. me loves him.

Anyway..what I was saying while describing what the blackout this was for and all the censorship █████ was that..I think of expression and art as tools....
Like, how could one make a movie without background music, or do a theater production without a backdrop, kwim?
Think of it like this....... that all great creations come from a universal collectiveness either consciously or unconsciously, whatever....and we are merely the process they those 'arts' are brought about.
First, it never belonged to did not 'create it's birth and existence in thought' You merely found it....and by acting on that 'omg moment' create it into physical form.
But be certain, that once you have created it on the physical plane, that it automatically becomes a gift. A gift to all who are of the physical plane.
So, for instance, one thinks up an idea for a wonderful happy song....they create it into reality with the sounds and tones and words....
Now, it has become a gift...many listen and love it just the way it is...some others want to try to make it the way they might see it, so they sing it a different way (and sometimes better!), a few others hate it and want to make it a parody and change the lyrics to sound like something totally different....which might possibly make you upset (but get over it!!! When you brought it forth, you turned it into a gift) (like it wasn't a gift to you to begin with, pffft)
Ever wonder why people complain sometimes when they claim 'someone stole my idea' ....well, they didn't steal it, they merely acted on the chance to bring it forward into reality while you merely thought of it (or in this case, connected with it's universal consciousness) so did they, but perhaps, they had the means to bring it forth, whilst you did not....
There are so many 'ideas' just waiting to be discovered by those whom are willing to create them and give birth to them.....but they wait in the silence...
because people have become super ██████ lazy in the last few years....and the societal systems have forced children to block out the universal mind....telling them it is of no use...
And this is why we as a society has fallen....we have failed, because we will not allow our children to teach help us remember the moments when we were set in awe of the daily miracle that we now see only as normal....we have forgotten our home...we have forgotten our Father, and our selves.
Who are we trying to please anymore? Your teachers? Your boss? Your parents? Your family? Your government?
They have stolen the real life force from you and they will do it again to your children....and you let let them have you and your let them have your children and you let them sleep within your let them invade your bodies and you let them rape you, maim you, defile you, and you snuggle close while they whisper lies to you in the dark.

Is there someone against you? Someone out to get you? Someone gonna hurt you?? ████ that.... that's what they want you to believe...they want to divide you from those who can make you stronger...they work diligently to tear you apart from them...with lies, deceit, rumors....strange things that do not seem right (and you know this!!!!) and you believe it anyway..........

You have fallen.

Love conquers all....and transforms's that for alchemy ;)

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