Friday, February 22, 2019

I am ....

It's still day 43 of 100 of WTFIW....F

and I needed to write this down before memory flees from my sight.

it's about truth
it's about approval
it's about division

These tethers... how fucking mysterious you are, dear thugs.
how you silently linger without bringing notice to yourself
oh...until you can't reach far enough and snag me up, pulling me back...
I see you, you little bastard.
I love you, and you've carried me thus far without bringing notice to yourself.
But you are no longer welcomed to travel with me.
I'm past your length, and past your span...
and I must untether myself from you.
Thank you, and goodbye.

Approval... remember what was said....
about not serving you, or the world, or the people, or the earth...
you'll never understand me... it is Heaven that is served.
and you've been untied and released and I wish you well.

Truth... how I thought I knew you...
how you were felt.
how you tried to make yourself at home....
but you see...
having truth... is denying the shadow...
and there will not be division in this kingdom.
And untethering from division is like new breath.
A new way to breathe.
and all the darkness which I've always held dear...
you my love...
can walk in the light with me.
and this is what returning to look inside has revealed.
this other me.... the one that I locked away because she was too...
too..... everything I was wasn't.
too.... everything I didn't want.
too... everything I overlooked.
light and shadow
and I'll just untether from division...
and only be available for unity.
for wholeness.
wholly ... holy...
and this bravery and courage that speaks without words...
all of heaven and all of hell is welcomed here.
and all of the message and all of the messenger is welcomed here....
and even so....
my very good friend...
he asked if it were what he taught, or spoke, or whether it was just him...
and yeah... the words are second rate.
presence is enough.
I choose both.
Both of us.
All of us.



Nothing is true, everything is permitted.

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