Sunday, July 8, 2012

Do you ever ask yourself why the heck you bother reading this crap?

Wow, it has been a whole entire week since I bothered to come on here and write a bunch of nothing, haha.
Nothing new, although it looks like I've had 2 photoshoot cancelations and 2 reschedules...all in the last 4, I must be popular!
But tomorrow I get to do 1, so I can keep my mojo going....I have my outfits for my own photoshoot ready too!! Which we can hopefully do this next weekend....and also if I can get everyone up and headed out by 6:00am... :)
After that one I can cut this craptastic hair of mine! And then get everything else ready for the next photoshoot, lol!
I also planned out my to-do list a more scheduled-like....and if it all goes well, I can get it all done within 2 weeks...but I don't hold out much hope for that, as I have 3 things I have on today's list that I still haven't gotten to.....hmmm....but today's not over yet, I guess.
And school books should get here tomorrow!!! Can't wait! Why am I the only nut who's excited about getting new school books in the mail? Kids don't think its very awesome at all, but I do :)
Yay for teaching grades 6th and 4th! Yikes! But they are glad that the History class will basically be watching a cartoon based on the American Revolution... :)

Currently I have 18 unfinished orders.....that means many of them are partly finished, but not all...or not even started on, lol. Given my 2 week time frame, I'm thinking I can actually get those done in a timely fashion, but only if it rains....cause I will be laying out in the sun, and working on my book, and doing photoshoots in the midst of this beautiful chaos.

And I think the realtor lady supposed to call back next week sometime....(yes, the one on the card that God signed!)
We will see what becomes of this nonsense! And hubby has also lost his mind thinking it would be okay to buy a $170K house in Valleybrook....but I guess I will have to do what he says and all....hahaha
He also said I can foster 'someone I really don't know's dog...
Well....if you find me sleeping, don't wake me the heck up, I like this tumbling down the rabbit hole kinda life!!Little red pill anyone?

Anyway....I guess you would have to watch the Matrix to understand that comment, lol.
Animals are fine and strange as usual, no alien weirdness or zombie oddness either. No strange dreams...well, not awesome strange ones anyway. No words to the wise or voices in my head to tell you about either...*sigh...
No stories to tell or complaints either....other than this dickwad at the 153 wal-mart (Dean) was acting like a jackass and wouldn't take their piece of crap bicycle back (with receipt, within 90 days)...but they worked on it, only for it to break again in the parking lot....instead of arguing that we wanted our money back, we took it to the wal-mart in Soddy and they refunded our money without being dickheads and without an issue at all....see...sometimes hick towns are better...then stupid snobs.
What else...hmmm...other than this impending feeling that I need to get this list for today slaughtered so I can prove it is possible to actually get things done in a timely manner....nothing at all.

oh...brownies....I want some brownies. I gotta go! :)

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