Thursday, July 12, 2012

You will be assimilated.

How does one R.S.V.P.?

So last night I had a weird dream...well, more disturbing then weird.

It was storming outside in the dream...and dark clouds were moving over head towards the east. Lots of lightning and thunder. I remember looking out my window (facing west) and saw the edge of the storm to where just after was the brightest most beautiful sun shining through crystal blue skies. (and I think there was a smaller star/planet thing near the sun that could be seen)
But just then Another lightning bolt struck from the edge of the storm cloud , but it didn't go was like a constant stream of electricity from one cloud to another and you could hear the 'zitzy' sound it was was turning bluish. The the clouds started swirling and began moving back towards the west/NW and covered the sun/blue skies up rather quickly. And the part where the lightning was still 'on' moved more east/NE. I told hubby and we ran outside on the porch to see what the heck was happening with the blue long lasting lightning thing, but once outside on the porch we saw that it was far off now to the NE and it looked just like a blue star instead of blue lightning.
Then we started to go back inside, but a beam of light (like a searchlight) came from the sky above and I turned around to see what was flying overhead.
It was a cube...kinda like the Borg cube thing from Star Trek! But the front of it shone out like a flashlight. Once I saw it it slowed and pointed downward with the searchlight pointing at our yard and started coming downward. (The lighted part of it looked like those flashlights made up of 6 or so LED bulbs)
We ran inside and locked the door, but I was just thinking to myself in the dream, that I didn't think bullets would work, lol. It was messed up and a bit disturbing! I woke up just then too, which I am thankful for, I HATE alien dreams!!! And I don't want to be messing with no dang Borg alien things either, lol!

I'm not sure if the blue lightning/star thing had any connection with something about blue smoke/fire/etc like in that other dream....the blue 'stuff' that was to be a forewarning to the nuclear thing....Ugh!

I need to call the realtor lady back, and paint Lion King stuff, and sew up some Alice in Wonderland dresses....argh! And laundry and dinner, and who knows what else I have successfully forgotten about.

Hmmmm.....I'm tired as shit. Want to go take a nap, but then all that stuff I need to do will again be put off and that won't work out very well.
Photoshoot this afternoon probably will be rescheduled as it is still raining....which is good, I'm tired anyway. Watched a long ass youtube video about Obama being the antichrist too which was rather do you say it.....ok...I guess...too long.
And the house needs cleaned too...argh..

I guess most important things first...and the embedded saying of 'How can you finish it, if you never start.' lingering in my I will go eat lunch and bake brownies (cause yes, they taste better later in the day than just after you make them!) and do laundry while I'm in there and sweep and whatever else needs done within sight distance.
Then call the lady back and then manage to bring myself into the sewing room to do something!!!
Then a nap...then dinner, then read my book for editing purposes, and maybe I'll exercise sometime during today too. Got to go..

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