Saturday, August 11, 2018

The Goddess approaches

Right now... the scourge of a thousand years of debasement fluctuates within.
But you have miscalculated with whom you are dealing.
The level at which you have placed my ancestors does not apply to me.
The level at which you function... is primitive, at best.
Your words, your tricks, your silent expressions.
I see them for what they are and I see the ancestors within you screaming.
They scream out for control.
They rage for the ways things have always been.
But I am the one who has became.
I am the one who recognizes you...them.
And I will choose to devour you both.
I choose to allow your surrender.
I choose to forgive you for the past ages.
I choose to walk across your throne and place myself upon the seat.
You do not have to bow to me.
You can choose to stand and watch....
or you can choose to move.
Regardless, my path has been chosen.... and I shall trample upon your back if you hesitate.

Good day to you sir.

The planets are in retrograde and it is a beautiful thing.
The passing away of the old. Of the tired. Of the worn. Of the aged.
Watch it all disintegrate before your eyes.
Help it along. Allow. Allow. Allow. Allow.
No more control.
It has permission to leave, because you have permission.
No more control.
Turn wild. Turn savage. Avenge yourself.
Let it all go.
You can't imagine the beauty that can arise from a blank page.

When the planets turn their paths and move forward....
the stars will rejoice with such as you have ever known.
Your soul will ignite in the restarting of a new age.
You are the fire.
You are the fire.
You are the fire.
You will cover the earth.
Set it ablaze in glory. Like a star.
Your life will be glory.
Patience. The time is coming. The clock ticks....
and when the chime sounds....
if your spirit is ready for the new downloads....
if you made the room...
if you cleaned and made space...
Your rewards will fill up the lands...
on earth.... as it is in heaven.
Trust. Allow. Trust. Allow.
The Time Lords are on watch.
Do your part.
It is coming.
And the old that has not departed will be blinded.
The worn that was not discarded will be turned to ash.
The tired that was not put to rest will be cast aside.
The aged that was not used up will be seared shut forever.
It will leave you empty if you hold on too long.

There's much more I could write. Much more.
About life, about projects, about time, about plans.
But the fire is boiling as I stare at those things that try to keep me small.
Not today. Not ever again.
The Universe has my back.
The one's who've brought me thus far.... are in my corner.
The one inside of me.... you'll never stand a chance.
Pray I learn to keep my tongue still by the time I take my seat on the throne.

I haven't been spending much time here.
It is not my job to control you.
It is not my job to make you understand.
It is not my job to explain anything.

Good day to you sir.

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