Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Passion fruit. Is it harvest time?

Day 6 of 100 of WTFIW....F

Ahhh, had one of those talks last night.
the kind of talk that is equal to pouring rain water mixed with a tablespoon of chicken shit onto a very neglected plant. And the plant forgot all about the simplicity of what water could do.
The dose of shit with it is like the nutrients. Like miracle grow, but all natural and organic.
and free.
First we discussed things about how the basis of certain cultural aspects relates that doing good deeds is like the giving of good fruit. And how if a branch doesn't give fruit, it is lopped off.
I found confusion in that statement, as having direct contact with the boss man, he never once insinuated that if I were not going to bear fruit, per se, that I would be punished for it.
So my very awesome guide says to "Ask him." (not ask him, but to ask the boss man)
soooo.... even though I'm in a weird fluctuating period with that whole aspect... I do anyway.
Cause I gotta know.
Anyway... boss man totally does the exterior thing (cause he's mostly internal now and the exterior thing is not necessary anymore) but it's so much easier to ask questions outward 'to' someone rather than mulling around in the internalness of spirit.
I get these images of hands offering, like a giving. Nothing is in them though.
And the boss man says...
"Even if your hands are empty, even if your words fail, it is still the giving of self."

-- so I'm brought back to the time when people stood in line and boss man was holding a box and people would take something out of the box.
He would ask them to 'choose how you will know me' and they would shuffle through the box and pick one, like a religion or creed.
When my turn came, he asked me the same and I said "I just choose you."
He set the box down and knelt down to me. "Then have me you shall."

back to real time --  then he does the hand thing to me and offers his empty hands.
"Anything I could give you, would never equal to that which you truly receive."
It is the same with what we can offer....our fruit is ourselves, not our deeds, not our actions, not our words... 
and why would I even think that emptiness is less than wholeness.
ahhh fuck yes.
the boss man is awesomeAF
and I've missed him even though we've never been apart.
and then the word 'communion' comes up... and I'm told to look it up, lol
anyway, it's like a common union, a community of oneness, etymology speaking...
He speaks about how energy is completely connected to itself
When a thought reaches out to something it is like an electrical bond, and the current moves throughout the universe. Everything is connected to everything else, maybe indirectly, but always connected. And the charge that is amplified is the basis of how matter forms, how life is born, and how ideas, dreams, visions, and emotions vibrate.
That in turn unites everyone and everything. Every thought connects us to the other side of it, to a person, to a place...'through' a feeling....
Feeling isn't only a compass, it is also the channel.


You know when you hold out your hand and offer assistance...
and you're so used to everyone shaking their heads 'no' in terror...
but then one random day while your really well thought out words and passionate plea for enlightenment show up, someone gets a wild hair up their ass and takes your hand....
....and you're surprised... O_O .... but now terrified yourself.... ew...
...wait....did I say I would help you?.... that was not me.... that was the dumbass inside of me.
.... I guess we can play 'enlighten the common folk' .... 'seed the earth'... 'whateverthefuck mess I just got myself into'
educate the 'educated' because they are sometimes so clueless....

time for some deep soul shit... laters

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