Wednesday, August 3, 2011

bunch o'nuttin

Oh my...where should we start today!

The house got cleaned today....I'm not quite sure how, but it did get there...not super cleaned, and I didn't mop n' glo the floor, but clean enough...more so than usual anyway.

The CH/A Heat pump guy came by today too. Supposed to call tomorrow with the $$$estimate$$$ ...yeah, we'll see where to go after that. But hoping it is not too far out of our midget budget....I'm okay with a total less than what we owe on the truck, and a payment less than the visa bill. We shall see, but truthfully we have no choice, unless we want to freeze in the not going to happen.....because I can gladly move to Hawaii before winter. I'll still have my job, because it comes with me :)

But oh my oh my!!! Speaking about my job!
I had a thought today.
Yes, we all know that a thought is the beginning of a magical journey!!! and it would be sooooooo FUN!
I could incorporate all my talents into one magical place. It would be awesome.....I could sell stuff, and provide services, and give customers a thousand in fact would be a magical build a brick and mortar shop....
But I hate rules and laws and taxes. I hate paperwork. And my town is too small to help pay the bills that I would obtain from having this 'place'. The city next door may be big enough, but I have like 2 customers in Chattanooga. I don;t think people there even know that the stuff I create exists....
I bet I could open a place in Hawaii....or somewhere fun. But I don;t want to live in or near the city....ugh....shit, I talked myself out of it...nevermind.

How about this...I close down shop...see I'm not even bummed about that at all, lol. But this still doesn't help with the fact that I have a major fabric addiction.....and in fact, I bought some today. ;) it's pretty :)

...and...I am fixing to do something drastic with my biz. I just can't go another day 'thinking' about it and not doing it.....because my new motto is 'just do it' kinda like Nike...even though I don;t own any nike's...I own skechers.
So, if things have disappeared from my facebook page or etsy shop, that is why. Because if something 'NEEDS' done it will get done NOW!

Well, I stopped in the middle of writing to get 'that' done, lol....I am SERIOUS!!!

So, what do you want to talk about today?

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