Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Stories of good and bad

Well, I have good news and bad news....

Bad news first, to get it out of the way. I feel like utter crap. Was fine at roller derby yesterday, but after getting home it went downhill. Not fun. I'll spare the details. But finally about 2am I fell asleep and it went away. Today I don;t feel 'bad', but I have that lingering, 'what the heck was that' thing that makes me feel like I'm not right. kwim?

Anyway, it had better go on.

I posted an ad in the paper looking for a seamstress and already had a few calls, which is great, except most don;t own a serger :/ . But hopefully they can get ahold of one so I can sell stuff and not have to do ALL the work, it really is taxing. We shall see.
The possible buyers of the place across the street are there mowing the grass. they haven't bought it yet, but maybe trying to earn kudo points or something. I hate having neighbors. So wish I could just go buy some far far away acreage and not have to worry about weirdos spying on me, lol. Not that they do, but I always suspect :)
Because really now, I spy on them. LOL!

I also have work to do and feeling a bit ick today is not going to get it done. Plus I have my camera club class tonight, which I hope to go to...too bad it is today and not Friday or something. Not feeling all nice and yay :/

Good news....hubby is back on first shift! So besides the dramatic schedule change we will need to get used to again, we might be able to actually get some things done around the house. So yay.
Good news, I feel better than yesterday, and people called about my ad.
Good news, is the bed is not far away and maybe I can go take a nap.
Good news, is we most likely will be skipping schoolwork today unless I get some sort of energy boost....of course, I like doing schoolwork, kids not so much, lol.

So....what else...hmmmm.....idk...besides I have lots of work to do and the day is more than half over...ugh.

So the word of the month was offensive, but I can't think of anything offensive just yet...*sigh. Maybe later or tomorrow, or later this week.
Do you find it offensive that I can't keep up with posting offensive things, or lack the ability to find something offensive? ...what I mean by that is... that I find it rather difficult to find something that offends me...one because I am really nonjudgemental unless you're a complete moron, two because things that you may find offensive do not affect me, three because unless I can teach you something about it what is the point in sharing it....

Let me tell you a story instead, maybe I'll get better at it if I practice more.

Once there was this dark dreary night. A child shivered in the cold, alone, unheard, and unseen. He cried out for help, saddened by things he did, although they themselves were not actually bad. Just what others thought about them.
He spoke to God that night and the Lord. He cried as he asked what he did wrong, he sobbed harshly and asked not to be lost, to be saved again, to be unforgotten, and to not be turned away.
The Lord knelt down to him and wiped his tears away.
"Do not fear child, as you will not stand amongst the judged. For I will call you up to Me, and you will be standing beside Me on that day."

His words cut deep like a sword, and a calmness surrounded the child. Never lost, never forgotten, never turned away, always belonging, always loved, always family.

Let these things fall away from you. All your failures, all your doubts, fears, worries.... even those things which you pick up, like opinions, others opinions. Do not carry them forward into tomorrow. Leave them here to rot. For He will accept you as you truly are...if only you truly knew yourself, you would realize what a beautiful person you are....but it gets hidden under these things...and you bury yourself, and you hide in your caves and ask the rocks to fall upon you, because you disgust yourself. When in fact it is those things you carry that harm you, and hide you from His face.

For some education too...and to cleanse yourself from these things...try handing them to Him and watch them be taken away....try aligning your chakras, it's a serious remedy. Yes, it is eastern medicine, and if that offends you then GREAT! Suffer in your anxieties and when you are ready to find yourself and discover Him as He is and not what you hold in your hands....you can come back and accept all things as they are and not as you want them to be. Stop being selfish, in the bible they call that greed, and lust, and vanity, and pride, and envy, and gluttony, and sloth, and wrath.
Okay, so vanity isn't one of the 7 sins, but only those caught up in a book and not in their lives would notice that if I hadn't of told you. Still fits in there though.
Oh, and release every single idea and belief you now hold. Yes, every one, even those you fear to let go...and you know which one I mean. Let it go....
Let me tell you another story ;)

Once there was a girl who walked into the spiritual realm. In a special place there was a room where the Lord sat admist His garden. This room was surrounded by a massive glass wall....in front of this wall were many people standing in awe at what they had found....they stood there on the outside of the glass looking in thinking they had truly found God. They were amazed at the beautiful garden, they stood in awe watching Him tend to the garden and going about His duties.
Now on the outside beside the glass wall their was a corridor. It was a dark cave path, no one gave it any mind, but just stopped and stared through the glass. The girl watched the hordes of people straining to get a look through the glass and looked over the the dark path. She walked over to it and noticed that at the other end of it was a door. She walked in and up to the door. On the door there was a sign that read "Only those who do not fear losing sight of Me, may enter."
She opened the door and walked in. It gently closed behind her. She found herself in the garden where the Lord was. The room was not a room and no glass wall could be seen, it was another world, another life, neverending..
"Not many would walk through the dark to come to Me." He said.
"But you are always with us, why do they wait outside?" She asked.
"They choose to know me only as what they see and only what they can understand."
"Will they ever find a way in?" she asked.
"They must not rely on their own understanding, but let it all go without fear, then they will know not just what I am, but who I am, and shall be with Me in this garden."

I like that one... :) hope you do too :) and I hope you are open to knowing the lesson within it...
Have fun my cute little tadpoles!

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