Sunday, August 28, 2011

I picked up a hitchhiker.....and he's awesome!

So I got to thinking again..... due to my fav site Cash and Joy...and this post specifically...

I'm wondering how much the world could accomplish if we all just kept breaking barriers and stepping forward onto new horizons....if only we would completely give our all toward every endeavor....

Now I will admit, I am a major procrastinator, especially when it comes to having to do something I really do not want to do, or don't care about... so I settle for the rushed state of "I better get it done" at the last minute and hope it comes out 'good enough'.
Not that it won't....because yeah, I am awesome. And I have found that even my 'good enough' is quite awesome to others, even though me myself thinks, eh, whatever, it's okay....
I am now pondering how much more amazing I will think of things if I consistently vamped out awesomeness at everything. And instead of 'good enough' it was AMAZING! Even if it was only amazing to me, at least I could then break those limitations that might be there and press forward to some unknown universe...because I certainly can't continue on going anywhere when I am just cruising along sitting beside 'eh, whatever'.
OMG, INCREDIBLE will probably be better having as a co-pilot...and much better at running those road blocks than the other guy...maybe OMG, INCREDIBLE can fly....maybe OMG, INCREDIBLE is a spaceship....there's only one way to find out how incredible, OMG INCREDIBLE really is, and that is by dumping 'good enough' and 'eh, whatever' on the curbside and picking up OMG, INCREDIBLE and riding with him for awhile...

So what does that mean, you say?
That means......well, I'm still working out exactly what that means, but it means complete awesomeness. Not only in my work, or in my other work, or in my other work, or in my other work....but in all. Of course, I will allow for baby steps at first so I can not get distracted by the handsome 'good enough' who wears those 'quick money' badges, or by the mysterious 'eh, whatever' who likes to annoy me with his singing and I'll do anything to be done with him...

Oh, and my awesome book which contains my most beloved imaginary people. OMG, INCREDIBLE has promised to give me a few hours every other day to hang out with them...OMG, I love OMG, INCREDIBLE already!

So, it's bedtime.....and since I ditched 'eh, whatever' that means OMG, INCREDIBLE is going to let me get to bed earlier than usual. So ta ta my sweet munchkins in paradise. Have a latte and sing some midnight lullabies. :)

Oh, and have I told you lately how much I dislike snakes...especially those that like to hang out in my yard!! I am going to be snake paranoid for weeks! UGH! But I have to go, so I will tell you that story later!

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