Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Please don't keep them hidden away...

Words of kindness, that our poor hearts crave....

I want to free your heart, I want to see your heart, please don't keep your heart hidden away.

Yesterday I shoved my own thoughts out the door....then proceeded to set them on fire and stomp their ashes into the scorched ground. No, not my cool anti-religious spiritual loving happy thoughts that will one day get me burned at the stake, but the other ones that your mind creates to keep you under it's thumb.
The ones that say..."you had better get school for the kids done." "You have to finish this sewing work today!" Get that laundry done too!" "Omg, the world will end if you fall out of schedule!!!"
Yes, those thoughts. I ended their life yesterday. Because I am not accountable to them. My kids will not become dense if we play hooky...I did all the time, I came out perfect. My sewing will get done, whenever the hell it gets done. I'm the only one in a rush. And the laundry?? Seriously? We have clean clothes to wear if we must wear clothes. Just because we are attached to the dirty ones doesn't make them any better then the ones packed in the back of your drawers. Except for comfort and coolness of course. Anyway, if I let it slack long enough, hubby will do it...or he'll make the kids do it. They will survive!

So since I have my day free of a bunch of self-induced shit, I will also say that I will not purposefully offend you, but I will not go out of my way to not offend you either, so take it how you will. Just know I am a sap and love you all even if you hate me. But luckily for you, I use my powers for good, because someone really awesome was responsible for my upbringing. Me love Him lots.
Of course I love my parents too, even if my dad won't even call me. Or visit when he's only an hour away when he visits my older brother who also doesn't talk to me. Yeah, I know he's a bad ass who wants to be better than everyone else, but still, he's cool, because I got his Elfquest comics from him...and he can never have them back. And I don't know my dad, except he likes playing pool and once used a gun to shoot at a rat in the house. And when he went to work us kids would look for the bunny hidden on the front covers of his huge stacks of magazines.....Steven would open them and cheat, lol. And even when I punched my sister in the nose for drawing on Charlie with permanent markers (yeah, she even flew back onto the bed behind her), I didn't get punished....it was great. :)

Well, I will say I am piss poor broke, but we have this fancy new system up and running...awesome. I survived my first roller derby game, awesome. We lost, but still, we survived. And now I am not listening to anyone, not even myself. So if you tell me to do something, good luck with that getting done. I will just do the one thing the boss man said I should do. Which I already told you in a story awhile back...

No story today I guess, I have nothing to share, how awful....hang on....

Hmmmm, I need to rant first, because it just wouldn't be right to avoid a rant on a lame-o ranting blog. I am tired of hearing about people who use excuses to not do something...it's like they fold over to the resistance thing and fail! Failures! Pure failures. I want to smack them up side the head.... to quote Ralph Waldo Emerson...."God will not have his work made manifest by cowards." .... it is true.... you have every once of every speck of power you need to do exactly what you want to do and yet you squander it away because of this or that or because you fear something.... you know something...I learned something from Lady Gaga just yesterday btw! You know how awfully bad yet good she is at just being herself, or the herself she wants to portray? Well, do you think she is afraid of offending someone? Do you think she is afraid of God? Or afraid of what he thinks?...... I think not. And the thought that many people are afraid of what God thinks of them is a major major major problem for me. I'm not saying to go do bad things, that;s bad! But I am saying that preventing yourself from just being you for fear of losing your place among the stars/kingdom/heavens/etc. is STUPID! I know what He thinks of you, and you would be surprised to know it is not what you think and the thought that what you think about what He thinks could not even compare to what He really thinks, because you do not understand what He thinks...so stop trying to place Him in a box according only to that which you think you know.... He loves you and all of what you think. But you cannot think He thinks only what you think He thinks.....got that?!
Just like you cannot say that He is only what that Book is. Or that other Book. Nope, He is it all....you just need to find Him in it all.... not my fault you choose to close your eyes.
Oh Ma Nee Pod May Hum..... <----- not sure if I spelled it right, but that is a Buddhist chant that means " The jewel is in the lotus."
Can you figure out what that means?
But I'll tell you a secret, what you think is not wrong. What others think is not wrong. Each way it is dissected still doesn't take away from the truth, because it prevails no matter how one sees it. It's the ones who poison the lotus that cover the truths that He has always revealed to Us. Step away from them and see with eyes unclouded by hate.

Oh wait....there were 2 things the boss man said to do.....and it looks like I just took care of that second thing too. :)

Love you all my little red bandanna kites! Fly high into the winds of power! And go kick some ass!

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