Monday, June 25, 2012

Cheerios are for Fruitloops

I've got babies!!!!!!
Baby guineas that is :) Not sure how many, as momma want to hiss and threaten to maul me if I get too close. Hoping she will come out of her spot in the next day or so.
And I'm busy too, with sewing work and photography work and every other kind of work as well. What else is new right...
I hcome to you today not only to share my new babies that have arrived, but to complain....
Why is it, people with money that buys $100+ outfits from me never give me problems...well, at least 99% don't....and people who pay for something are more than willing to, ya know....set up appointments without you having to track them down.
On the other hand, people who pay like $20 or so...are the pickiest idiots I have ever met! And when you offer a free service, they just seem to be complete idiots!

I really do think rich people are smarter than poor people....

I'm not talking poor in money or stuff...I'm talking poor to the point they want stuff for free and think they are entitled to it. So poor that they throw themselves at any and every 'free' thing that comes along just so they can 'have' it. Even if they would never pay for it if they had to.
Poor people need to die....or at least stay away from me.... I don't care if you have money or not, but I do care if you take advantage of things just because you can.
And doesn't teach intelligence or common sense, but do not come to me thinking I will feel sorry for your sorry ass. You make your own life and I have no compassion for idiots or people who think others should go out of their way for them.

FYI: I'm going to move somewhere where there's rich people....and closer to a pool...because it's hot outside....and closer to the store, so my butter doesn't melt on the way home....and closer to the gun store, so I can buy bullets to repel morons....and somewhere along the beach, so only one side of my view is covered in idiots. An closer to the boss man's house. So when I complain, He can make me a detour around stupidity without telling them they are sorry asses to their face.

Got to go, have too much to do! YAY! Later!

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