Saturday, June 2, 2012

Zombies....coming to a town near you ;)

Well, hello my long lost blog!! ...okay, so not long lost, but the week I neglected to write seems like a long time, right?
Let's do a fun update and then I'll tell you a story...cause stories are fun, right? Right.
So we went on vacation...whitewater rafting in NC. The water was freezing cold, but I had fun and didn't reinjure my rib, yay for me. Kids though it was scary , but fun, but cold and they didn't want to do it again, lol....little do they realize we will do it again maybe next year...cause it is fun right? Right.
And sometime soon, I will get the pics uploaded to the computer.....yes...the pics off my brand new Nikon D7000!!!! Cause I have the most wonderfulest hubby ever!! :) !!!!
And I got 4 outfits for my first real photoshoot with my new camera!!! :) from Goodwill...for less than $15...cause yeah...I'm gonna cut them up, make them more awesome...and IS in fact going to be a zombie family prepare for the Zombie Apocalypse....duh! It's already happening in Florida, if you ever read the news....or watch the news...or youtube, lol.
Yay, for creativity!!!....but crazy me forgot to get the tripod for the camera at my mom's house...and also the halloween make-up she should have too....dang it!
So instead of taking pictures tomorrow...I'll be rebuilding a chicken house into a quail hutch....cause I have 15 new little baby pharaoh quails that need to go outside as soon as possible!

Then there's work....I have like a ton of sewig work to do, yikes! Namely 11 outfits....4 of which my wonderful mother is helping looks like I will be making some Disney Villainesses tomorrow to get prepared, some Star Wars appliques, and also finish sewing up 2 Cinderella dresses as well....and then hopefully by Wednesday I can cut out and make all those Cinderella appliques too...gah! Then at least 2 more sets of Lion King appliques, 2 more sets of Alice in Wonderland....(omg, I hate Alice!) Then 2 Ariel sets as well...and if these 2 possible other orders go through....I'll have to add 3 more to that list....which include 2 more Lion Kings....oh yeah...but that's okay, cause I have to pay for that fancy camera.....and then save up for that super wide angle lens...cause even though I won't have it for my zombie shoot...I will have it for later....

Let's see.....hmmm....I am in dire need of a name for my photography lame crap...has to be cool...but not scary, not prissy, not stupid....awesomeness only please. And I don't like my name, so NO, it can not be my name...but I'm okay with initials, (cause yes, they are JC and that's also 'OMG,INCREDIBLE's' initials too!!) but not just JC, as that is boring allowed either....and not JC Awesomeness....since awesomeness is not a real word.....LOL.....though JC Superstar is kinda funny...but NO to that too.

Story time! Ready? Ready...

She sat there in the dusky twilight as the sun set and the darkness rose from the shadowed ground. Stillness and silence surrounded her and filled the spaces around where she waited.
Alone, alone. She thought as she continued to wait in the midst of the night. Thoughts pounding through the silence. "Where has He gone? What is He doing? Is it something I have done? Why after only a short time do I feel about in the dark thinking He'll never return? I am so impatient. Even though I know He will return, I still feel the separation like it has lasted years instead of mere days. Patience, patience."
All these echoing louder and louder as if restlessness could become a giant.
It wasn't least not after He returned, it didn't seem as long as it had when He was too far to see.
Why do you struggle?
The question....the answer all in one. Why do I struggle within myself as if He would ever leave. Silly girl. Still such a child....always...barely growing beyond a mere teenager. Always forgetting.
Listen...He would say...
People look around them trying desperately to see Him....grasping desperately in the darkness trying to hear Him....trying to feel Him....trying to gain anything that would give them relief from being alone.
He knelt down in front of me as I still sat on the ground...ever gazing into His eyes.... He placed His hand on my chest over my heart...where when the silence covered us, the sound of it would beat louder and louder in the night.
The only place you ever need to look is not out there in the darkness, nor in the place before your eyes...nor that which your hands can grasp.....but here....within the heart, within the this is where the light remains. Always.

Yeah, kinda a lame story...sorry, I'll do better next time :) when I tell about 'The Tree and the Dragon'.

Okay...other news....besides my hubby being awesome, the house being clean, the animals being happy, the kids being great, me being fantastic, and work on a schedule that is not at the level of 'holy crap this needs mailed out yesterday!'. I love the bank people too...cause in fact, all the bills are paid....and it's feels kinda awesome.
I do have some business I need to take care of this week, which involves that issue with 'If you're not on the top 10 list, you're outta here' thing... so please don't hate me come Tuesday. I have a beach vacation to go to in August...which seems really far away....but it's booked and we got a freaking great deal! I am also evidently 1 guinea our one and only female has been either someone shot and ate her, she got eaten by some predator, she's lost, or she's laying on some eggs somewhere in the woods....I haven't seen her in awhile. Stupid bird!
Anyway...I hope your lives are full of much wonderfulness and grace. And be assured that I am always making sure that those things come your way...cause I'm just awesome like that.
And btw...if you are willing to get a little creative and want to join in on a photoshoot of awesomeness, then don't hesitate to yell at me for one....I need to build a portfolio! And Yes it is free! I just hope you'll like pay for gas to get there for me, or buy me something markers, or goggles, or something useful like a whistle or some of those powdered doughnuts they sell over in the bakery section at wal-mart....or maybe something awesome like one of those potato peelers, or anything with Wolverine on it. I'm pretty simple. I do like colorful stuff too, like stickers and post-it notes, or pens, I love fancy colorful pens! Or maybe those little journal books. (I never really write in them, I just like to have them ,lol) I like craft supplies too, like feathers, or glitter, or acrylic paints, or I have a fetish for fancy buttons....Or if you really want to be the most awesomenest ever....I'm looking for a wedding dress (vintage look with lots of lace/ can be white or off sizeish, doesn't have to be perfect as I'm going to cut it up anyway :) Or if you are just wanting pictures for absolute free....without even offering me a cup of coffee or a cold root beer, or some good laughs, then you can go stick it you know where....I only do free stuff for fun...and you are no fun. :( No pink bunnies for you.

Oh, and I got me a girl bunny! Named her Cappuccino, Cappa for short (since she likes sticking her head in the coffee cups) and she's so sweet! The boys are being buttheads to her right now, but maybe when she's older they will get along better. She gets her own little area to herself for now. bad dreams lately, no weird happenings, no strange sounds....we are all good. The meds made my sinus stuff go away finally! And my rib only hurts if hubby hugs me the wrong way, lol. But now its almost I guess I'll go to bed, cause I've got a quail coop thing to build tomorrow and some sewing and some villainesses to cut out! God bless Sundays, cause I think they are like "the last chance to get it done before the rest of the world finds out on Monday" days.

Jumping jellybeans Batman! There's a snake in your boot!.....can we eat it?

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