Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Indian biscuits....and the machine.

We are still be loaded down with weirdness....so Angela...Angela and Skye...well....I happened to be reading another photographers blog (yes, I am a stalker! I only stalk the good ones, btw.) It just so happens her name is Skye....which totally caught my eye, but then I noticed a link to one of her favorite photographers...which I clicked (well, of course!) and my mouth dropped...not that something weird, was on it, but something AMAZING!! to the point of tears. Yes, I'm a whacko..and it's getting to be that time. So it wasn't just the most awesomest new song that was playing in the background (which I definitely went to go download almost immediately), but it was a few pictures of this couple...one named Tristain...which if you ever read my book...you would understand, but this guy was gorgeous..like my character guy (of course)...but I also saw this AMAZING picture of a little boy in indian feathers and stuff and it was OMG, INCREDIBLE!...and I am on the verge of mental trauma if I don't get me a camera soon.

So today...I played the 'Honey, you are so awesome and I need your help' card. Yes..I told you I'm on the edge here. I even gave him the coins in my pocket...for trade. :)
And soon, I might have a huge order coming...which if I do it quickly without thinking I can move that payment into my camera fund and it will bring it back up to where it was...which would be closer to what I need, rather than where it is now, which is very far from what I need. And if hubby so kindly would just pop out a mysterious $400 I can buys me a new camera and lenseses...yes, lenseses...cause we all know that a 18-200mm....would not be happy without a companion wide angle lens...fors my superhero shots.....I'm just sayin'

Isaac got a haircut today, and I'm proud of him for not being a butthead, but the nice doggie like I know he is. And I will be adding about 15 more critters to my 'things I feed at home' list. But not this week. Please don't ask....I just do things on a whim cause its fun. Luckily about 8 of them can fit in your hands at the same time, so they won't eat much...and yes, I can eat them too, lol....unlike the ducks the 10 year old declares cannot ever become food.... *sad panda.
There was something else weird too, but I can't remember now...it had something to do with nuclear power plants....1 in NY, 1 in PA, and 1 in VA.....that would be the 3 I dreamt of...the one in the middle blows up first and was closest....not sure which that would be considering I didn't know where I was. Still trying to piece this puzzle together.

I also staked out a few more local photographers...and I still haven't seen anything so comparable to what I want to do ...so thats good, but I did find 1 (ONLY 1) good one that can take really good pics (as in not blown out by midday sun or whitewashed, or the gosh-awful people squinting because the sun is in their eyes awfulness!) Yay, competition!!!!!!!!

If you would like to donate to my camera fund (as in money or locations or props) please feel free. I will remember your awesomeness and repay you with awesomeness.
My email and paypal is
PS....send cash....and if you know the person who owns the horse that looks like Epona from Legend of Zelda...off of Fredonia Rd....I need their phone number.

All I want is you, will you be my bride.
Take me by the hand and stand by my side.
All I want is you, will you stay with me.
Hold me in your arms, and sway me like the sea.

Ever hear that song? I love that song and one day when I'm old and I get that acoustic guitar I could never get, I'm gonna learn to play it. Just because. Just like I learned to juggle, just because. Or how I learned to sew...it wasn't just because...it was to destroy the crappy sewers who sold crap on ebay....for way too much...LOL...So now there's what....less than 100 really good designers for custom boutique out there...and I'm one of them. Where's all the crappy ones you say? beats me....
So you see...my goal once I get a camera is to destroy every crappy photographers (within 50 miles) hope of stealing someone's money until they can learn to take decent pics. I'm just sayin'. They will still get business...from first time clients. Even poor people could afford me....cause I will do it for dirt cheap at first...so they know awesome and then even after my prices rise...they will look at the crappy people's stuff and go 'Ewwww!' and see....I'll teach them...and they'll come back my way...cause I'm awesome.....and then the crappy thief people with cameras can take time to get better before charging people....
Yes...teaching with pain...love it.

I got asked to make biscuit bread for hubby....so I have to go...cause I's gotta be extra nice...you already know why, lol.

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