Wednesday, May 9, 2012

High pressure....hahaha...yes, yes it is!

It's just before 1am EST.
Itunes just completed another round of sounds on my 'newest songs' playlist. Now in the background is piano music that is playing from yet another website page...because I'm a multitasker and there's no such thing as 1 tab open while I'm on the internet. I think I like piano music, but not happy piano music...the slow stuff that lingers beyond sound and maybe a few jumps in heartbeat too.
Did I say something about liking work lately..well, I changed my mind...I don't mind the creative 'let's create!' and the process of alchemy of transforming a thought into a object....I do however mind the time and energy that it takes to 'create' something. No wonder there is a day of rest at the end of the week. Too bad mine involves bike riding or grocery shopping instead of relaxing on the couch watching a movie or lounging in the lounge chair outside.
My knee is stiff from sewing since rib hurts too and I have no idea how that happened. I'm tired too, but I want to be here right now. there's something that is trying to come out, but I haven't the slightest clue what it is yet...patience.
Bank people busyness for the last two days of the week...but this is a thing. And I have at least 13 appliques to make before Friday....*gulp.
I have to call to make reservations tomorrow too...for our mini vacation. And hopefully keep myself from planning another trip until next case the world really ends and all, haha! Well... I may need to go to the beach first...we'll see what we can work out :)

I think I'm feeling a tad bit there's this huge piece of 'something' that isn't allowing my cup to be filled...I have ideas in my mind what it is, but I know that it can probably never be filled in reality, at least not without numerous awkward moments and simple luck...
But, you know how it is....some people see the glass half empty if they are friends of negativity...some half full by the lovely folks of positivity, some just half way like the realist people who we would miss if they left....or we can choose to see it completely full like the boss man does...because in is completely full. Just cause you can't see what fills the space above the tangible liquid doesn't mean it's empty. So we can't see what's filling our lives above the things/people/events/etc. that we do recognize.
So I kinda taught this during school yesterday...and how you can turn the glass upside down in a bowl of water and it won't fill up...because there's already something in the glass. (yay, for air pressure!) And this is how our lives are.... completely filled by the one who made us. We just can't always see how, or know why, or understand all the time.
Yeah, I know it sounds overly lame to those of you who still manage to read this stupid blog and roll your eyes at anything that relates to more than the world. But' it's ok. I don't really care, I kinda enjoy the means I'm doing something right. One day you'll day real soon too.
I can smell it now....that smell of a grill. It's lit and getting warmed up....won't be too long before the barbeque gets placed on it to cook. Oooohh! Yum! and exciting too! We gonna have a party and you're invited! can't wait to see you there....well...I can't wait to see my family invisible pretend adopted family of course!...and I guess my real family can come too....but don't make a scene without me ;)
Uh oh...Caesar just ran over to me..he wants to go to bed, I guess I gotta go put the rabid bunnies away for the night. Later a full cup and drink it can't empty it while you're still in the world....
remember that...

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