Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Trees of the

Control yourself
Take only what you need from it
A family of trees wantin'
To be haunted.

Trees...growing up up up reaching stretching longing...and digging reaching down down down straining.
Our battles between who we are as natural creatures, and who we are as something from the beyond. Always bearing the trials and fates that plague us and always striving for more than what the earth holds...because we not only want it...we need it.
Trees need the earth, the dirt, the grime, the harsh rocks, and deep dark depths of blackness...trees need the sky, the air, the sun, and the ever pleasing warmth and comfort of light and wind. Are we not so different?
Could you deny the roots to only take satisfaction in the leaves? Without them the tree would die. Could you grasp only at the roots and never realize what greater things could come of it? Staying in the dark...cold.
We are the trees...we are the trees. Standing in the gardens of time always trying to divide the roots from the we not fall when we do such? Cut ourselves down and become corpses.
Do we not deny our roots of nature and try to relinquish them as burdens, as filth, as the parts of ourselves that linger in darkness...the things we try to hide, the things we see as failure, as dirty little lies we tell ourselves as if we have something inside of us that is shameful....
Would He make you to be shameful? Would He make you to shun a part that you were born with? Would He make you slice yourself in two and lay dead by suicide?
What makes you think you are not already perfect? There is beauty and purpose in having roots. In having darkness. In having a void of blackness where no light shines....
As who could see the stars if there was not night?

Do not cut out the roots....tend to them to make them you don't fall in the windstorm.
Make them strong....strong roots protect the entire tree against termites and devouring creatures...above and below ground. It's a shame we still cut them out like a vile sin....its a shame they still tell the masses that lie. The lie that we were created with a blemish...tarnished...not good enough...not quite right...not quite I guess all the newborns are not quite perfect then...I guess all the 2 year olds are not quite right...I guess the 7 year olds are not good enough....I guess the 15 year olds are tarnished...and the 30 year olds have blemishes...and 65 year olds are not beautiful.
Why is it we would think that? Why do they say such vile things about humanity...when we are all great wonders. It's the lies that keep us from revealing the truth of our own greatness. We are all great...but it has all been scarred over with layers and layers and layers of deceitful lies.
Maybe we just need to remember. He came and went not only to relinquish you from the idea of 'sin' but to help you remember...remember you are great, you are beautiful, you are worthy, you are enough, you are quite right, you are pristine, and you are more than you realize.
When He kneels down, intent eyes, and grips you firmly, like you are going to get scolded like a naughty child...and He tells you "You are worth everything!"....then maybe you will understand, there's nothing in the way between you and Him....
Like there's nothing in the way between a Star and the Universe.

That was nice. Sometimes things just come and flow so easily....and I really hope you understand. There's not much time left to be thinking you are less than important.

see you bunnies later!

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