Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Tree and the Dragon

I'm Waiting
I was waiting, waiting for a long time
In the dark shadow of grey towers
In the dark shadow of grey towers
In the dark shadow of rain towers
You will see me waiting forever
You will see me waiting forever
One day it will come back
Over the seas, over the lands
Over the lands, over the seas
To steal me on the trunks
It will come back full of spray
In the dark shadow of the black towers
Will come back the blue wind
To breathe my wounded heart
I will be pulled away by its blow
Far away by its stream to another land
I will be pulled away by its breath
Far away by its stream, wherever it wants
Wherever it wants, far away from this world
Between the sea and the stars

Love that song...and it's not even in english. But The blue wind part really is hitting on that 'holy cow' nerve....because it's very eerily similar to the part in my last messed up dream that had to do with the blue smoke...and well, nuclear disaster...and oh yeah...death. And now that I read it again...the song basically says the same exact thing....and I had this song for quite awhile on itunes, but never knew what the lyrics were saying (cause it's in french maybe? it looks weird and I know some french, so no clue really) and just happend to go look today and saw the why has this come to me is the question...
Now I just know I'll be sent on another goose chase, like every other time something freaky comes my way...I'm telling you it happens all the time!...and I still have no clue what any of it means!

and now...Bad Moon Rising is playing on itunes, lol......and I should be working..which I was, I just printed out 8 disney I am working...just so happens to be on the computer, lol. Oh, and need to post those Cinderella dresses on facebook..maybe someone will buy one, cause I am feeling poor.

There was this youtube video I saw the other day that one of my adopted sisters posted (okay, she's a weird one, but no weirder than my other weird sister, lol), about someones dream of getting pulled up out of the a carrot...and like the dirt was like the earth's atmosphere is, but when pulled out, everything was like a huge garden.... I wonder if this would be like a garden of eden...all part of it, just not harvested yet. Not yet able to see our fruits, our uses, our possibilities, our treasures.
Of course this also could mean we might get eaten by a stew or that barbeque party.

What else..what else...since I already told you about my conversation with my most awesome friend......
The neighbors had a stupid street light put up on their lot/yard...great...just one more stupid light in the neighborhood...bad enough the one that shines directly through our bedroom doors is too far to shoot out. I despise lights at night. I can't see in the dark with all that brightness.

I'm feeling insightful and rather thought provoking...would rather be nice to have someone to chat with at 11pm. Besides the kids that is.
That song 'Eyes Open' is playing now..., I love that song too lately. even though Taylor Swift is not one of my favorite singers.
The song reminds me of all the people in the world who are asleep and how few there are that are actually awake...and not lost in amusement. :( A very lonesome world this is.

Ever have one of those dreams where you see someone you haven't seen in forever and you are excited and happy to see them? Then you wake up.... yeah that kind of lonely. And these people (yes, they are real, if you are wondering) just have no clue that they make you smile. Or worse when it's the boss man in your dream and then you wake up and find yourself back in 'time' and wonder if you'll ever again get to visit once more.
Half of you sighs and goes yay, that was life-altering awesome and freaky and totally mind warping experience....the other half wails in agony because of the it is when you're born...yeah....wonderful these things they say....well, maybe I just say, as I can't find but a very very small handful of people who even have the slightest clue what I'm talking about...and even then, I'm not really sure about them....cause like I said's a very lonesome world...and well...I haven't talked to them in awhile either...and this makes me sad somehow...and a piece of sadness clings somewhere on the inside and I carry it with me.
Ugh, I'm such a sap....but at least I'm an honest sap, lol :)

We are the trees. Standing tall, strong, solid, brave. Reaching up high into the greater broader skies. Reaching, striving, hoping, wishing, dreaming. Growing outward and beyond as far out as we can, as far away as our strength allows. Our triumphs and our excellence shows upon our branches. Our best features by far are that which we display and stretch out for the revealing of our glory.
Our trunk holds up our lives and bears our truths, our souls, our ambitions, and hope.
Then there's the roots....our parts which we bury beneath the world. Hide away from the sight. Our twisted and mangled fingers that reach down down down into the dark to keep from the light. Our regrets, our shame, our impossible fears. The dark part of ourselves, hidden where none can look upon them.
It's a shame that so many deny the roots and only nourish the branches....what could become of this other than a wilted and rotten tree. Death, due to neglect of a part of you that you must also tend to.
It is the roots that need tended to, in order for any of the branches to grow, in order for any petals to bloom or leaves of green to shade our peace. It is a part of the tree...a part of ourselves...
Would He cut down the tree to take you home? Even He knows we must retain roots to thrive. The roots must come with us, must be a part of us......however, it's a river of life that we will drink from instead of a river of darkness

The tree is us, our whole selves, of our life and our death, our good and our bad, our light and our is us as we are attached to this world, but yet reach out for something greater, something beyond ourselves....

The dragon flies, it's body curving with the winds, life breathing through its veins. It is real and it is not real. Intertwining with the breeze and carried along like a river through the clouds.
This too is a part of us. Where we are asleep and dancing upon a dream....yet we are alive and awake, ever moving and flowing with life.
It is us, as we are simple earthly creatures, yet we know we are something more than just that....we are creatures of divine design....and we are more than that too.
A trail from the physical....into the spiritual....from earth to sky, from water to air, from life. Or if you would have it...from life, to a dream.

And this is The Tree and the Dragon story...but not quite a real story...more like an explanation.

You know at the end of that song (posted above...J'attends) the end it says. "I will see you again...but not yet." english... I think I likes. but I guess I should watch the movie, huh..maybe that has something to do with it, lol.

well, I think i've been on here for far too long tonight...and I did already write a lot already for my second blog post of the day, lol....not that anyone ever reads this crap, but still....sometimes I have something to write...and sometimes I'm just wasting time...cause I don't want to go cut out disney people. and I don't like taking pictures of random ho hum boring every day la la stuff....and I already prepped the zombie clothes and there's not much else I'd rather do besides take a long hot shower...but waiting for my most awesome hubby to get home first.
Actually I would like to work on the last part of my book! Argh! but I have to set aside at least 2 hours for that...and I always forget until I'm going to bed...geesh...
Long day tomorrow...
goodnight lovely trees trembling in the crisp night air. the sun shall shine on.

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