Thursday, April 4, 2019

88 ways to change your life

Day 85 and 86 of 100 of WTFIW....F

Loud music.

a mix of weird alternative songs
some plaid
long hair
and the forest
or the beach at night
with a bonfire maybe a bit out of control
and boots that are actually comfortable
and the gypsy looking dude who plays the guitar
and my hand in yours
and trying to run in the sand
but we just laugh...
cause no one can really run in sand
and we frolic like toddlers with stars in our eyes
as we hold each other
and the unkempt children want our attention
because we are the cool kids
and we give it to them
and heaven spins around us even as we dance through the world

I haven't forgotten you.


and the world bleeds so much we can't even see the wound
certainly can't find the cure...
how can you find me underneath this pile of noise?
being the ocean, not hard to find...
oh.. but wait...
I'm the depths...
and not many can see this far....
like the ones who still dare to gaze up at the stars...
from the very few left that can even see them...
out of the ones who even recall that they exist.
lovely isolation.
a beautiful thing it all is...


next day.... because yesterday's wasn't that long....
and I didn't feel like posting.

tuned the piano today
will need tweaked a bit more, as the tuning app I used wasn't the greatest
it's not hard like people say it is
*insert eye roll  - amateurs.

a part of me is dying
perhaps quicker than I'm willing to admit
it's scary
and the other part of me just wants to bury it already
dead or not
it's a helping hand, and I have time

didn't do nearly anything on my list that I intended to do
and tuning the piano wasn't even on it...
dinner got made, so that's a win
blueberry muffins sound great...
might go make some after I leave here...
I'm really just trying to meander around here, hoping something will pour out...
but alas... that doesn't seem to be the case.
there are random intentions I've agreed with...
but truthfully I'll probably forget them before they come to fruition
hence the part of me dying...
drying up as we speak... and soon to fall away
it's unknown what changes this will bring

it's weird lately, as no guides have appeared in the aether
which was foretold and expected...
but it's been strange since I've been allowed to wander freely
at times I still call upon a few to explain something, which they do, but...
free reign is pretty cool, even if it's met with it's own lessons.
talked to someone new today....
and fuck me if this shit isn't capable of changing the entire universe
I'm swallowed up in complete mind shift
among other things...


don't you hate those moments when your soul wants you to do something...
but your mind is like 'NO! Absolutely not! You don't need it.'
and soul is like, 'YES! No explanations needed! I've got this! TRUST ME!'
and I trust soul...
but mind is screaming... 'Do you realize how much that costs?'
...I glance at soul... she's dancing in the dark, with lights... with music..sunglasses
mind stares at me with arms crossed... shaking head..
soul still dances..
mind stares at me, not breaking away..
soul dances... in the dark...stars all around her

let me tell you a secret... about the back door...
about the rescue boat
the ship that carries you to the heavens...
let me tell you ... about the ark...
that travels the dark...
through the door...
D- ark.

and I know... to follow the feeling..
feeling is the compass... and the channel
mind feels scared.  soul feels free.
mind feels confused.  soul feels alive.
mind feels terrified.  soul feels expansive.
mind can't grasp what the universe wants to say
mind can never fully hold all what the universe is
never never never... until the mind let's go...
and trusts... and watches... and waits...
and then..
behold... the glory, that doesn't come until the harvest...
until the rains cease, and the water recedes

soul spins as the stars dance around her
music echoes, the dark holds them all
mind watches... mind wants what she has...
let go
let go

that may have been too deep...
this perfect paradise...

She sat beside me, knowing me more than I know myself.
'What should I do?'... I would ask her...
because she's a warrior, closer to the goddess than the I, I sit as
'All you ever can do.' She replies.
Wind blows... we are at the sea's edge... braids in her hair...
'Guidance, when sought. A safe place, always. And unconditional love, continuously.'
'All we can do for another... is be who we are, and exactly what they need.'
'No one is ever in need of reprimanding, or controlling, or coercion. Not them, not you, not anyone.'
'If you can't trust yourself, how can you ever trust them?'

heart bleeds and wants to be her
strong, courage, unmovable, steady, sure, a space for all of me
I already am...
she's channel eigthy-fucking-eight!
   (this reference is about changing channels to a higher level, no explaining today)

mind is stumped and can't comprehend what just happened...
soul smiles and does that stupid wink and point of finger... (what a dork)
she knew all along this would tie together in this beautiful art
and mind is trying to figure out!!
and I'm laughing, because this is my whole life...
this insanity and this miracle...
this heaven and hell... I'm the universe and I love it all.

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