Thursday, April 25, 2019

Get out of the way...

Spirit moves.

Like the same energy that grows the trees.
the flowers.
the electrical current that causes the atoms of matter to expand from earth to sky.
the mist of aether
the aura of soul

Everything is electrical.
That current is what today we will call spirit.

Spirit, etymology speaking comes from the word 'breath'

 Latin anima (“a current of air, wind, air, breath, the vital principle, life, soul”), sometimes equivalent to animus (“mind”)

A thought of mind that moves, that animates.... into life.
an imagination
nation of the images.
welcome to earth.

Can you feel that spirit?
Whilst caught in the whirlwind of earth...
the spirit that moves through you
the same energy that is abundant, radiant, prosperous, etc.
Mind is allowed to silence it's flow.
Body is allowed to ignore it's current.
But the longer you can stay in it...
with it...
the more it moves through you
and the more you come alive.

So come alive.


maybe I just like to make lines for fun

dreams... those nighttime subconscious things.
not the lofty goals you hold so dear...
oy vey... weird stuff lately... like people dying and pedophiles
but at least none about suffering in agony over a flying lion named Judah again
... and no aliens. Whoosh!

so I totally feel like writing...
but what?
something.... preferably not a book
but my luck and all....
but I think I will take the beat cards with me and hope something comes out first
screenwriting wise...
and if not...
maybe the first line will instead...

it's actually kind of boring writing about nothing

want a movie scene?
 (totally in an effort to get my ass working on that screenplay)

asking is pointless....
and not correct formatting cause I'm not on Final Draft.
(which does all that nonsense work for me)

~~~~~~ ***** ~~~~~~


Loud engines roar. Multiple mechanical vehicles drive by. They are primitive, with visual electrical currents blazing on them. Dust kicks up from the ground from around them.

A tribal man, TORRENT (40's), stands on a distant hill overlooking the desert below. He watches the strange vehicles pass by as the wind gusts hard. His niece, __K?__ (12), runs up beside him. She hands him a flask of water which he takes and drinks.

    TORRENT (disgusted)
     Look at them. The savages.

    K? (she doesn't have a name yet)
    Who are they?

     Demons. (beat) Yet, it seems everyone calls them heroes around here.

Torrent steps away harshly. K glances back out to the desert and then quickly rushes to follow her uncle.


Torrent and K carry supplies into the primitive village. The winds gust hard. Other tribesmen are tying down their goods and gathering their horses into the stalls. A brute man, __O?__ (40's) approaches Torrent as he grips his cloak tight.

   O? (no name yet)
    The Oma has foretold of a visit tonight! Be wary!

Torrent nods and rushes K ahead of him into their hut (am I going with huts, really? idk for sure yet).


Primitive hut with clay bowls, a wooden spear, some furs. K throws down the supplies and turns to Torrent excited.

    Tonight! Can we go watch?!

 Torrent sets his supplies down and avoids looking at K. K moves around him, trying to catch his eyes.

    Please Uncle! We can wait til it's dark. They will never know.

Torrent glances at her. K's eyes are wide in anticipation. She smiles as he lets out a small grin. She jumps excitedly, seeing the very tiny nod Torrent makes.

     Best not to show so much excitement, K. The chief will grow suspect, if you are not more cautious.

K nods and takes a deep breath. She changes her face so it appears as if she's worrisome and afraid. Torrent smiles and nods.

~~~~~~ ***** ~~~~~~

so that's like a page and a half of a screenplay... give or take... 

like I said, if I just writes itself... none of that was planned except the mechanical cars at the beginning... and that's really only there because there's this song that goes with it... and it really makes the whole movie. Just sayin'  (Barns Courtney - Glitter and Gold, if you must know.)
 This would technically be the opening scenes of Sky Thunder.
I'm guessing you can figure out what it's about....but maybe not.

Originally planning to be animation.... but not really for little kids...
people are going to die.
there is revenge thrown in.
anger. death. blood. people hunting down a young girl to kill her....
dragons... magic... huge battle
ya know...the cool stuff.
see... and I literately just thought of what the inciting incident is going to be.
WAH - fucking - LA
Like I said... magic writes itself...
and what was that I wrote earlier about ...
energy moving through you...?

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