Sunday, April 21, 2019

Rise like lions... and devour the keepers.



That is the name I cried out while tears poured out from my eyes.
I was leaning over the rail, looking down into the pit.
What were they doing to you? Why?!
I was in agony over their forced changes to you.
JUDAH! I would cry out. JUDAH!

Judah was a lion.
He had the wings of an eagle and and a full mane
he was my friend.
He had a consciousness just like you or I.
We were captured, the small band of us.
But they did something to him.
And his words were silenced.
"What are you doing?!" I would yell as I saw my friends body become immobile.
They would smile and say "We're making him a real lion."
  and the word 'real' stung like a thorn as my heart stopped.
....but Judah was real already....
there was nothing wrong with him...
he was already perfect...
he is my friend.


That was the dream I had last night.
A dream on the eve of Easter.
and the feeling is still with me... of the soul weeping...
the screaming.
the torture.

and with eyes a bit clearer....
and with the help of google...
looks like...
Jesus was called the Lion of Judah.
(from the tribe of Judah) ...

and I wonder if they silence him still
I wonder if they still change him...trying to 'make' him 'real'.
and this is delivered as both pain and sorrow...
just like the dream...
He IS real already.
Already perfect.
He is my friend.

and there's a heaviness that will be carried today
Could I rescue my friend?
Help him escape from the zoo, the pit where the lions are held.
How long will they keep him on display?
How long will they feed him meat scraps and make him out to be...
...just a lion.
There is no such thing as 'just' anything.
Cowards fear lions.
Keepers think they are above them...
    even elevating the land above the pit to make it appear true.
but you see.... the lion is perfect already.

and you can't house a lion that can fly....
He will rise above you.


of course there's a band called Judah and the Lion.... they have a cool song
called 'Take it All Back'

the last 2 books I read weren't that great...
doubt I will ever take on anyone else's recommendations again.
.....we just aren't on the same channel, yo.
or the same tv... or same receiver system...

or maybe reading isn't my thing.
There is little to zero tolerance to read fantasy novels...
...or any novels for that matter...
yet writing them comes easy.
Looks like self-help and metaphysical books are ousted too now...
Seems the authors are just repeating the same things...
and are stuck at level 4. Boring and no meat.
 ...or so overcooked it tastes like dusty goo. Nothing to chew on.

Not sure where this life is leading.
I have a few more places that need cleaned.
Like the storage room and the garage.
The hallway needs attention when I get more remodel cash....
and I figure out what the heck I'm going to do with the floor.
There's a Santa suit that needs sewn.
The dogs need a bath.
The garden will need saved.
The beach.
The forest.
Loud music.
And Silence.
All those. Yep.
And a bunch of inspiring on the spur of the moment stuff..
you know... surprises!


“And when they seek
to oppress you
And when they try
to destroy you,
Rise and rise again
and again
Like the Phoenix
from the ashes
Until the lambs
have become lions
and the rule of Darkness
is no more”

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