Friday, June 8, 2018

Be your own hero.

I'm having a crisis....
with my script, yo.
There's this idea that your story has a protaganist...
you know, the hero, the main character.
...well.. this one... has two? I think?
I have the hero, but he isn't the main character, lol.
He saves the main character.
Is that legit?
Because it is fucking beautiful.
I just told my main character something that
kinda feels like her world is dying around her.
....and it's so sad.
But I know my hero is gonna save her.
and I'm like...please hurry up, lol.
but I need to write it!!! AAAHHHH!
I'm on page 56.
that's the halfway mark and I hit the
structure midpoint turn at the absolute perfect time.
These things write themselves when you let them.
that's day 5 of 10, which is also halfway.

I finished reading someone's book they are writing.
and I could tell they are a Miyazaki fan.
And I'm like cheering inside, because I love it.

I have orders coming in! 3 so far!
Yay! Fun work!
Of course, waiting till the end of July to get paid is
a lovely bonus. So that's what...$15
I'll take that.
Cause money is a lovely thing.
Even the small amounts.
Even the large amounts.
Every cent.
Every scent...
don't forget to smell the flowers, yo.

I should probably go to sleep...
but hey, I was writing...
and then when I get to the bed...
I'll check in with the otherworldly peeps.
Then I'll be swept up into book 5 again...
probably same scenes once again...
then I'll eventually fall asleep..
only to get up really early for a yardsale.
cause we need another $120 bucks.
for the casino.
priorities, yo.
I only stopped to write here because my character
was having a difficult day after having a really great day...
and my hero has no idea the part he's gonna play yet...
but I do! so I love him for

Let me tell you a story.
One where it really is your story.
and how we write ourselves each day through our
thoughts and actions and feelings...
but we don't know how it ends....
or who we will become?
what will happen?
....or do we?
 I know the author....
and the things that await are grand.
at least for me.
Because I read this story before...
like the books you keep so you can read again
when the time is ripe.
and we know all the characters, even if they haven't shown up yet.
and we know who they will become.
even ourselves.
we know their part in the story...
we only keep books the books that have happy endings.
the ones that change our lives.
the ones that ignite a flame.
the ones that inspire us.
the ones that speak to the one dwelling on the inside.
and this one is it. This book that we live through.
the book of Life, yo.
and I love this story.... it's one of my favorites.
huge character arcs and fierce diabolical insights.
I may have others I love more...
but oh... this one fits perfectly right now.
__ ___ ____ _____ ______ ____________ _______________________
of course..... maybe we are in a software program and this is all an illusion.
the matrix...
and we'll wake up and it'll be an hour later from the time we started
the program, and we are like 20 and live in some apartment down by the
Jersey shore. It's legit, yo.
(I hate those type of movies.... don't write that one.)
but maybe that's why I feel like I'm missing someone??

chit chat later little pumpkins of macho men tangle weeds using birthday party tactics.
I'll be sure to carry you throughout your time warp suspension holes of blackness and illusion.
We'll hang out with the trumpets of Oz and sing carols under the stars of the gods.

hey that kinda rhymes....

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