Saturday, June 16, 2018

Dragons and I are reuniting.

I'm only available for the highest callings.
I get to have all the things.
I get to have all the energy.

What use is there in choosing...?
Why choose this or that...when you could have all.
Claim it all my friend.
It belongs to you when you receive it.
The universe keeps handing it to you,
but you think you're not worthy.
Fuck that.
You are fucking worthy.
You are worthy of it all.
All the things.
Accept these gifts.
Accept your gifts.
Don't settle for less than ALL OF IT.
if you gathered some of the ocean in a cup....
would you still have the ocean?

so I'm waiting....
to edit my screenplay.
It's gelling... can't touch it yet.
like waiting for paint to dry.
"Do not touch"... till like Wednesday.

I have a scene from another movie I'll write...
but I have no idea what it's about yet.
Looks awesome though!
Has dragons in it...of course.

I have a thing for dragons...
by first book I ever wrote was when I was 5
guess what it was about?
The dragons and I defeated the army and killed everyone.
We were friends, the dragons and I.

God I love her. (me...when I was 5)

She even illustrated it and labeled the body parts.
'cause we need to know that those were spikes on the dragon's back.
and it had teeth.
and that that red splotch on the ground was a dead guy
those dragons laughed at her at first when she proposed being friends...
but she kept her promise and didn't tell everyone their secrets
Friends... those dragons and I

work orders this week.
grocery shopping
blueberry muffin making
packing - planning
plane ride
2 days evolving

I'll be a different person next week!
How exciting!

Energy --- Inner G shift coming up.
Hold on!
No...wait... LET GO!

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