Friday, June 1, 2018

War to defeat the zombies...

So let's do something cliche and stupid.
It'll be fun!
Weekend WAR
what is Weekend WAR?
it where you classify the weekend for one...
which deciphers it as something different than the week.
but it's really not.
It just happens to be friday and I want...errr.
I am going to start tomorrow.
which puts it on Saturday and most people classify that as the week end.
 so yeah.. Weekend WAR
what is the war part...?
That's where you declare victory in getting all that crap done
that you haven't done, but planned on doing ...eventually.
but this time, all on the weekend... this weekend.
Which is the next two days.
which also means you only get 2 days.
2 days to get the victory.
2 days to defeat those things you haven't done.
but were totally planning to do.....eventually.

Cause I'll have work next week.
Field inspection.
yeah, that again....with a 3rd company!
but in my own county this time... and hopefully more work orders.
cause Money is my friend... and all the things.
A friend with benefits, yo.

So Weekend War.
--- I will start on my screenplay... cause it could be done in
less than 10 days if I would just start on it!
--- My painting... finish it... been working on it already.
--- Clean the stupid bathroom.
--- Fumigate the mountain house. Even if all I do is drive up
there and do it, and drive back. It'll be done.
--- Get the labels and papers for this new job printed and filed.
--- Wait in anticipation to hear back from that screenwriting job I applied for.
--- I should probably go check on the garden... O_O
--- Clean up the mess I made when I cleared the other part of the garden.
--- Move the wood in back and move the azalea bushes where the wood was.
--- I should probably stop listing stuff right about now....
--- Move the bowflex to the other room.
--- Get $200 so I can complete Level 39.
--- Make sure camera battery is charged.
--- Watch a movie.
--- Make cookies and jambalya, not at the same time.
--- Take Teir swimming.
--- Go for a walk.
--- Play Mario Kart.
--- Find seat covers for my 4runner or find a replacement seat.
--- Get a piece of outdoor carpet.
--- DO NOT cut my hair.
  Why the heck is this always a thought??!!! Stop! I'm growing it out, yo!
--- DO NOT play Farm Heros Saga until after the weekend.
--- DO NOT buy something off of Zulily.
--- DO NOT eat out unless someone else is paying.
--- DO NOT forget about this list!
--- DO NOT keep adding things to it!!! STOP NOW!
--- Be a rebel.
   ....considering you seem to like writing at the moment, you should probably start on that script....

Well, there you go.
You know what I'll be doing for the next 2 days.
Going to WAR.
Will update Monday...or whenever I feel like it....if I remember.

In other worlds...
I want to start on book 5, but I'm waiting to receive the first line...
like the literal first sentence... or at least the idea of where to start it.
My mind keeps replaying the middle chapters over and over and over.
.... joy.

The audience... still around... but full moon energy gets
in the way of spirit world connections.... or something, idk.
Solar radiation spike maybe? whatevs.
Have to hang tight for a few more days.

ok, bored, gonna go...

laters, peacock mini bumble twats of tablet sanctions and ecstasy pills.
 swallow them up and carry them upon your breath of everlasting cajun masquerades.
tell the gypsies you love them.... or they'll eat you.

Zombie Gypsies??? I see a movie plot!!! O_O

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