Friday, October 26, 2018

A space... to be filled

And even though we ain't got money
I'm so in love with you honey
And everything will bring a chain of love
And in the mornin' when I rise
Bring a tear of joy to my eyes
And tell me everything is gonna be alright....
"They will come to you when a certain cup needs filled...
... Just because they are having coffee today...
... or want a shot of whiskey...
  ... doesn't mean they don't love water when it matters."
^^^ that right there...
these are the words...
and I've waited many moons to hear them.
There's no real way to tell how things work...
between this world and that one...
but there's no greater connection than knowing they are one in the same.
The same in one.
And when you get a glimpse of yourself... that self that surrounds this body...
and you know what you are meant to be.
and don't even bother wondering why...
you just know..
and they ask... they ask that one question that tells you
that you are going on to the next level...
but also that you are leaving this one...
and you answer it the same as you always have...
"Do you accept?"
--- "Yes. I accept."
and you know your guide, no matter how short their time with you was...
will be letting you move forward without them as another walks you through the next phase.
and you'll miss him. This creature, this angel with the blue feathers that is timid about showing his face....
You'll miss The Weather. The Movement between spaces. Energy without form, but that which transforms...
and you'll always know that you are The Space. The Space that holds the All. The Seer.
I'm honored to have walked with you. Thank you.
and the council... or whoever they are... I saw them watching as the acceptance was taken...
checking in on me, as their usual routine when something shifts...
they are so intrigued... 
So tomorrow there's a passport fair at the post office.
I might show up there.
There's an art fair up the road, so I might show up there too.
Otherwise, I'll be dealing with #AIS
which stands for the term 'Ass In Seat'
because I have a screenplay to finish, yo.
assuming I don't finish it tonight. 
Because that's how I roll... (sometimes)
I just do the shit and get it done *PERIOD!
after I sufficiantly filled my need for procrastinating.
because the last minute is where I work best...
the only time I work actually, lol. 
I'm eager to get it done, cause there's another one right behind it!

And I need readers for 2 other scripts if you feel like reading a screenplay.
I would love some feedback.
Prefer someone with strong visual capabilities and likes animation movies.
Hit me up if you would like a go.
Victory is 74 pages. (kids - animation)
  in the short... about a mouse with creative skills and learning to believe in himself. 
      Jax and Stormy are my fav characters!!! <3  (Stormy needs her own show, imho)

Laser Racers is near 100 pages. (animation)
  about a girl joining a team of racers and being supported by them during her family's struggle. 
      Jet and Em and Tripp and oooohhhh I love everyone in this one!!! <3

The Fox Prince (animation) needs the market atm.
Killian will be done soon... (comedy/thriller - live action)
    Bad mouthed leprechaun and batty old lady, maybe a bit violent. It's Ted meets Scream parody thing... idk wtf it is. Not done yet... maybe a series... cause it might be too short for a feature length.
and Killian still doesn't know what he wants to do with his life.
Sky Thunder - coming soon. (Or just Thunder.... not sure yet.) Dragons!!! animation
Under - coming soon... animation - Think ocean and family that lives on a submarine.
(untitled) - animation coming soon... two fox brothers and the mountain 
(untitled) - live action.. coming soon... creatures in the night that play music, with the girl and the queen of the wild.
Mystery Machine - (might have to change the name), family comedy, live action - parents searching for their kids go on an adventure
(untitled) - drama - live action - in wilderness...people die, kids involved, man must become hero.
Aranea - live action, sci-fi thriller - sexy never tasted so good... ;) think alien spiders
....there are more.... but one of these will be next in line.... feel free to share your votes
I want to write one based on a story someone else wrote too. I will ask them.
So yeah, don't be a shy pigeon...
BoldAF is the new black.

Love you.




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